"What is love?" Naruto asked. His eyes switched between Sakura and Hinata, who was still asleep. Sakura gave him a small smile and her expression was something Naruto couldn't read.
"I was waiting for you to ask me this one day, Naruto" Sakura chuckled and Naruto was a little embarrassed, "I don't blame you if you don't understand it, you never knew what "love" is." She said with air quotes on the love part. "Come on let's go for a walk and I'll answer your question," she said standing up. Naruto looked at Hinata he was still holding her hand and he looked back Sakura with a pleading expression. Sakura smiled slightly and put a hand on his shoulder, "she will be alright Naruto. Jeez, it's the third time I'm telling you this. Now come on lover boy," she said making Naruto blush hard. They both stood up and went to the door, Naruto took a last look at Hinata closely, making sure she was breathing. Making sure she was actually there.
They both walked in silence through the streets of Kohana. Sakura wanted to go to a quiet place so they passed the market place quietly escaping Naruto's fangirls as much as they can. They walked and walked it was already evening and the sky was divided into yellow and red colour. As they reached a spot near the forest and Sakura stopped.
"Now first tell me why do you want to know what love is so suddenly?" she asked as a matter of fact. Naruto went beetroot red making Sakura laugh. Ignoring her laughter he replied, "b-because I think I my-my take on love might have been completely wrong, you know," Naruto said as he really didn't want to say his feelings out loud for the first time in his life. Sakura was now looking at the sunset, the air around them filled with anticipation. Naruto was holding his breath, watching Sakura closely. He wanted to know the answer, desperately. He needed to know the answer. If Sakura doesn't know the answer, I don't think anyone can answer this question, he thought. But Sakura was still looking over the sunset.
"Tell me Naruto," she suddenly spoke, "what do you feel about the sunset?" Naruto was confused. He looked at the sun setting down, it looked beautiful he had to admit but nothing more than the ordinary. "Well, it's pretty, I guess," he said still unsure how this would answer his question. "Now imagine this - you are sitting in his sunset with Hinata," Sakura said making eye contact with Naruto.
It suddenly hit Naruto. He thought of how beautiful Hinata would look under the light of the setting sun. Her pale skin glowing making her look as if she is a princess, her soft smile that gives Naruto butterflies. He thought of what an amazing time they both can have here, and suddenly the air around him smelled like lavender. He was dazed.
"Naruto I cannot tell you what love is, no one can. It's an unknown feeling you just feel it here" she said touching Naruto's chest where his heart was, "now I'm guessing that whatever dream you were trapped in you understood your feelings towards Hinata?" Sakura asked and Naruto on top of being dazed was now blushing furiously.
"Ho-how did you know?" he asked coming back to reality.
"You idiot!! Everyone knew!!" she exclaimed and Naruto's eyes widened even more.
"Ha! Even I knew" Kurama said.
For once shut the fuck up Kurama!! I am already embarrassed here!! Naruto shouted. Sakura starting walking back and Naruto followed her, taking another peek at the sunset. The sunset looked absolutely stunning now.
"I never loved you that way, Sakura-chan" Naruto whispered more to himself but Sakura heard. He was dead scared that her temper might give away but to his surprise, she just kept walking with a small smile on her face.
"Yes, you are right Naruto. You just claimed to love me because I was crazy for Sasuke and you just didn't want to lose to him, right?" Sakura said sitting on the grass and motioned him to do the same.
"Yeah I guess you are right," Naruto said sitting down beside her, "it was just my rivalry with Sasuke that made me think that I want you. But in reality, I never actually wanted to be with you, I just wanted to show that emo that I am better at him at something" Naruto said laughing a little.
"Who the fuck are you calling emo, dobe?" came a voice from behind which made both of them jump a little.
"Sasuke?" Sakura said her green eyes popping out of her head.
"Sasuke..... what are you doing here?" asked Naruto wide-eyed.
"Yeah I am here, don't be alarmed," he said with a laugh. His smile turned upside down and he came back to his old form.
"So, from what I heard Naruto finally knows that he loves Hinata?" he asked Sakura.
"YES!! He does!! I can't wait to tell everyone" she squealed and Naruto was dumbfounded but then he thought of something he wanted to ask Sasuke alone.
"Sasuke, um can I talk to you alone?" Naruto asked and without an answer dragged him away leaving Sakura alone.
"What do you want?" Sasuke asked in his cold voice.
"So, I think I messed up really bad," Naruto said in a very serious voice.
"Given your life Naruto you have to be more specific," Sasuke said with a smirk.
"Stop JOKING!! I am serious!" Naruto shouted, "so I think Hinata kind of already confessed t-to m-me," he said his face turning redder than a tomato.
"What do you mean Naruto?" Sasuke asked perplexed.
"During my fight with Pain when I thought I have lost the battle s-she came to save me but of course Pain was way out of her league but..." fear took over him again as he thought of his nightmare but then again there was a warm feeling in his heart when remembering those three words she told him, ".. but she fought him and before that she-she said you know those three words."
"And?" said both Sasuke.
"Well" Naruto was embarrassed again, "I thought she loved me like how you love your favorite jacket or food," he said scratching the back of his head.
"Did you just compare your love for ramen to fucking romantic love?" Sasuke said.
"Y-yeah," Naruto said and Sasuke could no longer keep his temper in check.
"NARUTO! ARE YOU CRAZY?" he shouted suddenly Naruto's eyes colour changed to red and when he opened his mouth Kurama's voice came.
"Kid rather than shouting at him help him."
Naruto changed back to his normal self and Sasuke calmed down too.
"Okay so you need to apologize for being a jerk and confess to her," Sasuke said.
"It's not that easy Sasuke. What if she doesn't feel the same way about me?" Naruto asked.
"Naruto," Sasuke was not very serious, "all of us has seen her love you since we were five, now I don't know what will happen when you will confess to her but you have got to take a leap of faith."
Naruto thought about what Sasuke said and he already had a plan.
"Yeah, you are right. I will tell her how I feel" Naruto said with a huge smile on his and turned to return to Sakura who was looking pretty pissed. Suddenly a hand stopped him in his tracks and he looked back at Sasuke who was holding his prosthetic arm.
"Um make it special Naruto" Sasuke said not looking directly at Naruto and then he let go of his arm and both of them walked to re-join a pissed Sakura.
He can give love advice too? Since when? Naruto thought confused at the sudden softness in Sasuke's behavior, But I think he is right, I do need to make it special. But how do I do it? Naruto kept on thinking. Team 7 made their way back to the hospital each of them thinking about their own love life.

With You, Forever | Naruhina
RomanceThe Fourth Shinobi War ended a year ago. Now the Ninja world is at peace. Naruto Uzumaki is the hero of the war, he is acknowledged by everyone. He is loved. But what is love? He's still an idiot when it comes to love. Let's find out how he figures...