1. Thieves from another world

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Author's Note:

Read before you continue!

This story is a rewrite of the first Equestria Girls movie. This rewrite is based on the story "My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship".
My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship tells the story of an OC stallion who is accompanying the mane six on their adventures. It basically retells the whole story of Friendship is Magic by adding him and several other OC's, who either serve as site or supporting characters or antagonists of the story.
It is highly recommended to read through Chapter 1 - 65 before you read through this story if you want to read in the original order.
If you have or if you are simply not bothered by it, then you may continue.

I'm still an amateur writer and would welcome it if you tell me your opinion about this story, whether it is pointing out flaws or giving me tips, every single review is welcome.
With all that said, I hope you have a fun time reading and tune in for the next chapter.

Reading Order:

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 1 + 2(Chapter 1 - 53)

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Diary of The Storm Wings

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 3(Chapter 54 - 65)

Equestria Girls - The Legend of Friendship

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Outcasts


Knock knock knock.

A knocking from downstairs abruptly woke up Star Twinkle from his sleep. Here he thought he could get a rest from all those things that happened recently and relax for one day but he figured that this was simply too much to ask for. He rubbed his eyes after sitting up from his bed and let out a big yawn before he heard some knocking from downstairs once more, indicating that he didn't even have time for that.

With a heavy sigh, Star Twinkle rolled out of his bed and went downstairs to get the door, his mood, obviously grumpy. "I should really put a sign on my front door that says: Do not bother me this early," he thought to himself bothered while walking towards the door.

When he opened the door, there was a really nervous purple-coated-recently-Alicorn-ascendant mare standing in front of his door. "Star Twinkle! It's horrible!" She said in frustration.

Star Twinkle's eyes shot open. "What is it!?" He replied a little worried.

"Princess Celestia invited me to a Princess Summit over in the Crystal Empire!" She explained in a panic.

Star Twinkle's eyelids dropped down halfway and he made an annoyed expression. "Is that all?" He asked, clearly not understanding the problem.

"What do you mean, "Is that all?" This will be the very first Princess Summit I'll ever attend to! I have no idea what to expect or what I have to do there!"

The first thing Star Twinkle wanted to suggest, would have been that she shouldn't break out in a panic. However, Twilight seemed to be way past that point already. "I'm sure the other princesses will tell you how things will go once you arrive. You know all of the other princesses so I don't think that they will be too hard with you," he assured, in an attempt to calm Twilight down again.

Twilight's mood didn't seem to be fully changed from that but she did calm down a little after thinking about those facts. Twilight's coronation was just a few days ago and looking at how she behaved since then, definitely showed that she had to get used to all the changes. Especially the wings on her back. Rainbow Dash had offered her help to teach Twilight some flying lessons but so far, it didn't come to any of those. Star Twinkle remembered all too well, how Rainbow Dash offered the same to him, once he gained the ability to grow wings. Luckily, Star Twinkle's "Transformation" was not permanently and he didn't have to get used to two wings on his back constantly. Looking back at it, Star Twinkle would probably freak out as well if he suddenly turned into an Alicorn.

Equestria Girls - The Legend of FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now