2. What a strange new world

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"Aaaaaahhhh!" Star Twinkle continued to scream alongside Twilight after realizing the situation and the state that he was in right now, trapped in this weird body and it's slim legs and arms.

The two actually managed to hold their screams for quite a while, definitely breaking their own personal records by a long shot. This probably would have continued for a while if Spike wouldn't have stopped them finally. He started by slapping Star Twinkle's face, causing him to stop his screaming. "You two have to get it together!" He insisted almost sick of hearing the two scream like that.

However, Star Twinkle was not easily calmed by this. "Get it together!? Have you looked at us!?" He replied annoyed, almost jealous of Spike being a dog, rather whatever he and Twilight were supposed to be.

Twilight didn't pay much attention to the two and continued to inspect her body. "What does the rest of me look like?" She asked, clearly having other priorities right now.

"Um, like you. Only not you," Spike replied, which was actually a rather accurate description."Your muzzle's really small," he felt the need to add, causing Twilight to inspect her nose and panicking again, however, Spike covered her mouth with his paws to prevent her from screaming again.

Maybe it was because Star Twinkle was in this kind of body as well but after inspecting Twilight a little more, he figured that she wasn't looking ugly or deformed in his point of view. She actually looked fine to him. But maybe that was because he knew that she was still the same pony inside.

Eventually, everyone decided to just deal with the situation. There was no point of panicking like that forever. As soon as they get back to Equestria their bodies would return to normal again...hopefully. This only gave them the motivation to continue with their task, and that was getting Twilight's crown back.

Meanwhile, Spike asked the most important question right now. "Where are we?"

This gave Star Twinkle the time to further inspect his surroundings. This was definitely not Equestria. That was the only thing they realized right away. There was a big building right in front of them, making it worth checking out, and some kind of road behind them, on which some strange vehicles were driving on from time to time. As they looked behind them, they noticed a statue under which some kind of mirror was. Twilight inspected it a little further and realized that this was the mirror that could send them back to Equestria again, meaning that they at least knew how to get back now. Realizing that, made Twilight a little more confident and reminded her that time was limited for the three of them. "We need to find my crown as soon as possible and get back there," she said determinedly.

"Agreed," Star Twinkle quickly agreed on. "The sooner we can go back, the better,"

Their eyes both turned towards the big building in front of them since it was probably a good start to search in there first.

"I suggest we start searching the castle first," Twilight suggested as she pointed towards the building in front of them.

Star Twinkle and Spike agreed to that idea and made their way towards it. At first, it felt a little weird to walk since their hind legs have changed and were a little longer than their front...legs...but it was nothing too difficult. However, Spike noticed why that was the case after he saw someone else walk by the three. The person next to them was only walking on the longer legs and not on all four like Star Twinkle and Twilight. The two quickly got up embarrassed after they realized that this is how you are supposed to walk in this world and attempted to adapt to that as well. However, it was a lot harder than it looked like. Star Twinkle came to the conclusion that the person who walked past them might have been an expert when it came to walking.

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