7. Princess of the Dance

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There was no telling what would happen next. Sunset Shimmer was about to destroy the mirror that would lead back to Equestria. The only way to prevent this was to give her Twilight's crown. But if she got her hands on it, then Equestria would be in danger as well, if what Radiant Blast said before was true. Sunset Shimmer would use the crown to control the students and attack Equestria, and with one of the Elements of Harmony in her possession, no one would be able to stop her.

Needless to say, the decision was not easy and Twilight struggled what to do next. Star Twinkle was not sure what he would do himself so he just waited patiently for Twilight's answer. So did the others and Radiant Blast who stood next to Sunset Shimmer.

"Tick-tock, Twilight. We haven't got all night. The portal will be closing on its own in less than an hour. So, what's your answer?" Sunset Shimmer said, still swinging her sledgehammer around, threatening to destroy it.

Twilight still hesitated. Sunset Shimmer's words didn't really help much.

"Just give her the crown," Radiant Blast then joined in, slowly losing his patience.

Star Twinkle noticed that Radiant Blast did act a little more serious recently which was surprising since, in the last conversation they had, he said he didn't like Sunset Shimmer's actions.

"Don't you see what you guys are about to do?" Star Twinkle then said, watching Sunset Shimmer holding her hammer, still determined to crush the mirror in front of everybody. "Didn't you want to take over Equestria? How are you gonna do that if you destroy the portal?" Star Twinkle said quickly seeing through Sunset Shimmer's possible bluff.

This caused Sunset Shimmer to look over to Radiant Blast. "How does he know about my plan?" She then asked towards Radiant Blast who could only turn his head away ashamed. But she then focused back on Star Twinkle and the others. "Doesn't matter. This isn't about me. It's about you returning home! So you better make a decision!"

There was less than one hour left until the portal closed. Time was running short either way. The decision was up to Twilight. And Star Twinkle had an idea what she was about to do next. He looked over at her and she looked back with an expression that practically said: "It has to be done". She knew that Star Twinkle won't like what she was about to do but he also realized that something far greater was at stake then him, Twilight and Spike not being able to return home. With that in mind, Star Twinkle nodded and smiled, ready to accept Twilight's decision.

Twilight then looked over to Sunset Shimmer with a serious expression on her face and gave her a straight answer.


"What!?" Sunset Shimmer replied in shock, not believing what Twilight just said. "Equestria! Your friends! Lost to you forever! Don't you see what I'm about to do to the portal?!"

"Yes, but I've also seen what you've been able to do here without magic. Equestria will find a way to survive without my Element of Harmony. This place might not, if I allow it to fall into your hands. So go ahead. Destroy the portal. You are not getting this crown!" Twilight replied determined as she grabbed her crown on her head and taking back those words.

Sunset Shimmer didn't like this answer. She was furious to be precise. Radiant Blast noticed that and couldn't help but stand next to her helplessly as she glared at Twilight. At the same time, Radiant Blast looked over to Star Twinkle who was giving him a worried but also serious expression. It was like as if he wanted to tell him something. Radiant Blast remembered the conversation that they had before. He knew that Sunset Shimmer's actions sometimes went too far but was it worth never going back to Equestria? Was that going too far? Those questions circled around his head, realizing that Sunset Shimmer would soon prevent Star Twinkle, Twilight, and Spike to ever go back to Equestria. They would never see their friends ever again. The moment he imagined himself in this situation, only made him sad.

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