3. Running for Princess

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Getting used to this new body and this new world provided to be a little harder than expected. Walking alone was enough of a challenge so that Star Twinkle barely had time to get accustomed to his surroundings and how this whole world works. He kept telling himself that there was no time for that anyway but it certainly would help to stop Sunset Shimmer and Radiant Blast from getting Twilight's crown.

Thankfully, Star Twinkle managed to find Twilight and Spike after spending a while looking for them. He quickly exchanged information with them about how he met Steel Hammer in this world, even though he is supposed to be Equestria. To his surprise, Twilight and Spike met someone familiar in this world too.

"Fluttershy?" Star Twinkle asked confused.

"Yes," Twilight replied with a nod before she put together the information that Star Twinkle gave her. "But not only her. I've seen a lot of familiar faces in this school. What you told me only confirmed my theory that this world is maybe not a whole different world but rather a parallel world where everyone we know exists as well,"

Even though Star Twinkle nodded in agreement while listening to this explanation, he had to admit that this was a lot to take in. Spike did look a little confused as well and probably didn't even bother to comprehend this information. May it be a parallel world or not, the goal didn't change so Star Twinkle focused his mind on the crown which reminded him of his other meeting. "I met Radiant Blast a while ago. He didn't seem to know where the crown was either, meaning that we probably have the advantage," Star Twinkle pointed out.

But Twilight didn't seem to share the relief that Star Twinkle showed. "I'm afraid, that at least, Sunset Shimmer knows where the crown is as well," Twilight explained before she shared some more information about how she confronted Sunset Shimmer. Apparently, Fluttershy found the crown after it fell out of the mirror and gave it to Principal Celestia, much to Sunset Shimmer's dislike who was blaming Fluttershy for ruining her plan to get the crown herself.

"Princess Celestia is here!?" Star Twinkle asked confused.

But Twilight stopped before Star Twinkle could extend his thought further. "Remember, it's not the same Celestia that we know. However, she does seem to rule over this place so it would be best if we go to her, even if she doesn't know us. She should understand if she was like the Celestia we know," Twilight explained.

To a degree, those words seemed to make Star Twinkle feel a little more confident but there was something that bothered him. If what Twilight said was true, then Sunset Shimmer already knew where the crown was as well. This could be a problem since she probably got a hold of it herself. But judging from what Twilight explained further, this doesn't seem to be the case. This only meant that Star Twinkle and Twilight had to take their chance to ask for the crown.

Twilight knew the way to Principal Celestia room and lead the way while Star Twinkle and Spike followed her. They stood in front of the door which Fluttershy told was the room of Principal Celestia. Naturally, since they knew they were about to meet the ruler of this school, they both bowed down as they entered the room after knocking on the door and waiting for Celestia's allowance to enter.

To their surprise, the room was much smaller and not filled with guards like Princess Celestia's throne room in Equestria. In fact, it was a really small room with only a desk at the end of it where Principal Celestia was sitting at. The Celestia in this world seemed a little more modest. At least that's what Star Twinkle guessed.

"How may I help you?" Asked the figure behind the desk who was busy reading some documents in front of her, not noticing who just entered her room.

But no answer came from either Star Twinkle or Twilight. They just now realized that the situation that they were in, was probably not the most believable. Telling Principal Celestia that they came from another world, which was filled with ponies instead of those two-legged creatures, was probably not the best idea. She would call them crazy. That's what Star Twinkle would say if somepony would tell him that he or she came from a world filled with two-legged things instead of ponies.

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