6. The Fall Formal Dance

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Everything went well, at last. Instead of being split into different groups, the school was finally united. And that was all thanks to Twilight, who reminded her friends of their friendship which eventually led Rarity to come up with her plan. This again got the group closer to Twilight's crown.

The group took a look at the other students as they walked past them in the main hallway of the school. "Doesn't everyone look just fabulous?" Rarity commented as she looked over to all the students who were now wearing her headpieces and tails. Uniting the school was one thing but she also liked selling her accessories along the way.

"It was a great idea, Rarity!" Twilight said happily.

However, for everything good, there also needed to be something bad. And that bad was just walking towards the group. Sunset Shimmer.

"Don't know what she's smilin' about. Twilight's the one that's gonna be Princess of the Fall Formal," Applejack said confident but also confused by Sunset Shimmers expression which was just a plain wide smile.

The thought that she already had something in mind to counter Twilight's effort to unite the school already crossed Star Twinkle's mind but he somehow wished that it wasn't like this. She couldn't possibly have another ace up her sleeve already.

But instead of confronting Twilight and the others, Sunset Shimmer merely walked past the group without saying a single word. Though she did turn her head around as soon as she walked past them, still having a huge smile on her face.

"Just ignore her," Rainbow Dash advised.

"Yeah, she probably is mad at you and tries to play tough right now," Applejack added with a smile on her face as well.

It did seem to calm Twilight down a little. "Yeah, you're probably right," she replied, trying to not focus on Sunset Shimmer anymore, even if that was easier said then done.

Star Twinkle wanted to believe that as well but the only way he could calm down was once Twilight got her crown back. Until then, his worry would not simply vanish like that.


Star Twinkle and the others wanted to make sure that Twilight would get the most votes and talked to most of the people or groups. All of them seemed relieved that they could spend time with each other. Of course, being separated in groups before made it hard to interact with each other so they were all happy that they found new friends now. It didn't look like as if anyone was against Twilight which was perfect since everyone was pretty much against Sunset Shimmer winning the crown. Twilight will win the vote. Not even Sunset Shimmer could stop her now.

"Looks like we will be back in Equestria by tonight. Along with the crown," Star Twinkle said relieved as he walked through the hallway with Twilight next to her.

"Looks like it. The others are already preparing everything for tonight. After all, it is still a pretty important night," Twilight replied happily, getting a little excited about tonight. "I think Rarity even prepared some fancy clothes for you," she jokingly added slightly poking Star Twinkle's sides with her elbow.

"I'm just glad that we can return home..." Star Twinkle replied, not bothering to answer to Twilight directly. "But I have to admit, meeting our friend's counterparts in this world was kind...nice," he added with a smile on his face.

"Yeah...I will miss them..." Twilight said a little saddened but also happy.

"Me too..." Star Twinkle said in almost the same manner as Twilight.

The two were then suddenly interrupted by someone. "Twilight Sparkle," a voice then said in a very serious tone behind the two, causing them to turn around.

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