5. Wondercolts unite!

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Sleeping in a library with a see-through-roof surely was good for sleeping at night but once the sun raised, it was impossible to hide the eyes from the light, waking you forcefully in the process. But then again, sleeping on books was nothing that someone should extend any further. Because of that, Star Twinkle sat up and felt how his back was really stiff. He looked at his body to see if all that happened the day before wasn't just some weird dream. To his dislike, it wasn't.

Once he stood up, he proceeded to stretch a little. All while making a rather bothered face. "Yep. Just as I expected. Sleeping on books...not the best idea," Star Twinkle said as he stretched a little.

Twilight was nowhere to be found and only Spike was left on her "bed". He began looking for her, once he was done stretching. Knowing her, she was probably still somewhere in the library but the thought that she was going to do something to convince the other students to vote for her on her own, also crossed his mind. But that thought proved to be wrong once he saw Twilight sitting at a table with her eyes glued to a book.

Twilight noticed how she was being looked at and greeted Star Twinkle happily. "Oh! You're up. You must be an early bird as well," Twilight figured with a smile on her face.

"Totally..." Star Twinkle replied sarcastically. Of course, it was a miracle for him how Twilight could read a book so early in the morning. Star Twinkle was practically still half asleep at this moment.

Twilight then closed her book and stood up. "Once you're ready, we can start talking with some of the students. The earlier we start, the better," she said highly enthusiastic.

"I...suppose that's true..." Star Twinkle agreed, scratching his chin, though he was all too excited to get to work this early.

Before he knew it, he, Twilight and Spike were already ready to leave the library. Star Twinkle saw how some students were already entering the school by looking through the glass door in front of him. School clearly began just now or was about to. Principal Celestia was greeting the whole school through some kind of P.A system and reminded everyone to vote for the Fall Formal Princess. This instantly reminded Star Twinkle to Sunset Shimmer and Radiant Blast and how they were wandering around the school as well. And how they needed to be stopped.

"So...what's the plan?" Star Twinkle asked, clearly wondering how Twilight could be so excited before and what she was about to do against her competition.

"Fluttershy said I'd need to win over all those different groups if I wanna become Princess of the Fall Formal. So I've compiled a list of talking points," she proudly said as she pulled out a bunch of papers.

"Of course, you did..." Star Twinkle replied while rolling his eyes, not in the least surprised.

Spike clearly was more amused by this. "You made a list? That's so unlike you!" He said jokingly as he laughed his heart out. However, his laughter was interrupted by Twilight who opened her bag and reminded him to get inside of it since animals are not allowed in school. "Uh... Please... Continue," he said nervously before he wandered inside of the bag.

Twilight continued with the explaining of her plan."I'll start introducing myself, sprinkle in some things I learned about their world into the conversation, show them how I fit in here!"

"Things you learned about this world? Like what?" Star Twinkle questioned in a little disbelief.

"Just trust me. It'll be fine," Twilight replied confidently before she stood ready to open the door in front of her to start her plan.

"Okay..." Star Twinkle simply replied.

All this time Star Twinkle was just glad that he wasn't the one who had to do the talking. But talking with the other students about things in this world also sounded like a plan with flaws. Especially if you are not of this world. Twilight probably just got some minor ideas of how the world actually functioned so the best thing would be not to talk about anything like that. But then again, Twilight became a Princess in Equestria because she was good with everything friendship related so maybe Star Twinkle was just underestimating her.

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