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Hey, babe. I say as Harry enters the chip shop with fish on his hook.

Hello, babe. Harry says to me and gives me a kiss on the lips before kissing our son on his head.

Want to hold him? I ask Harry.

Not right now. I'm hungry. Harry says and just in time Uma comes out and gives Harry his food. But then soon after Uma takes something from Harry's try and throw it at the tv since it's Mal.

Gosh, I hate her. I say to Harry.

Well, of course, you do love. Harry says as he gives me a kiss on the head. "where is little Harriet? Harry asks.

She is with your dad. I say to Harry. "She should be coming over here later," I say.

Cool. Harry says after he is done eating and picks up jr. Yes, we named him Harry jr for Harry.

Poser. Uma says.

Traitor. Harry yells while holding little jr.

Hello? Uma asks everyone as they all throw food at Mal.

Oh, I would love to wipe the smiles off their faces? Harry says.

Babe, I'm gonna take little jr for a nap at your dad's ship. I say to Harry.

Alright, want me to come with you? Harry asks as I take jr out of his arms.

NO, I got it. I say to Harry.

 You sure? Harry asks.

Yeah. I say.

Okay. Harry says.

Bye. I say to Harry before giving him a peck on the cheek to see Hook at his ship.

Ah, what are you doing here? Hook asked me.

I'm here to put jr down for a nap and see my daughter. I answer as I move past him to Harry's old room.

Okay. Hook says.

Little later...

Mommy where is Daddy? Harriet asks me.

He's with aunty Uma. I say.

Can we go visit him? Asked Harriet.

Sure let's go. I say as I carry jr to the shop where Gil is outside.

Hi, uncle Gil. Harriet says as she gives him a hug. 

Hey, your dad is inside. Gil says.

Harriet go in I will be there in a second. I tell Harriet. "So what did you do now? I ask Gil.

Called Uma, Shrimpy. Gil says.

You really need to stop calling her that. I say to Gil.

I know. I try just can't help it. Gil says.

Well, I need to go in. See you later. I say to Gil as we head inside.

Mommy I can't find Daddy. Harriet says as I see her by where the crew eats. 

OH, well let's go find him. I say to Harriet.

He won't be back for a while. Uma says.

Hi, Aunty Uma. Harriet says as she hugs Uma's legs.

Hey, squirt. Uma says.

Where is he? I ask Uma.

Can't tell you. Uma says.

You do realize who you are talking to right Uma? I ask Uma.

Yes, and it's a surprise I can't say anything so please let it go. Uma says.

Fine. We will just stay here and wait for him then. I say as I sit on a stool with jr still in my arms.

Shouldn't you be in like bed or something? You gave birth to him like a week ago. Uma says.

Yeah, but I'm fine. I say to Uma.

Okay, but take a break if you need one. Uma says. 

I will. I say to Uma. 

Good. Uma says. "Look it's your man." I hear Uma say to me as I look over to the door to see Harry at the door.

Hey, baby. Harry says as he gives me a kiss. "Hey princess. Harry says to Harriet who is eating and tries to take one of her fries.

Mommy tells Daddy to get his own food this is mine. Harriet says and holds onto her food.

Daddy go get your own food. I say to Harry.

Hmm, fine. Harry says as he gives Harriet a kiss on the head.

Where were you? I ask Harry.

With your dad. Harry says.

Why? I ask.

Cause. Harry says.

What are you not telling me? I ask Harry.

Samantha Hades will you marry me? Harry asks me.

What? Of course yes!! I yell as I jump on Harry giving him kisses all over his face with jr still in my arms.

I asked your father's permission to ask you to marry me. Harry says.

You what? I ask.

I ask--

No, I know what you said it's just I love you. I say to Harry.

I love you too. Harry says.

Congratulations!! Dad and Hook say.

You two knew? I ask.

Well, he asked me all of this was planned to get you here. Dad says.

I love you guys. I say.

We love you. Dad says.

Omg. I'm getting married. I say to myself.

Yay. Harriet says.

Did she know? I ask Harry? 

Of course, she did. Harry says.

*Okay, this is it for this chapter hope you enjoyed it.*

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