Chapter 20

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Hey Dad. I say as I enter the lair.

Where the hell have you been? Asked DAd.

I went for a swim. I say as I walk over to Harry who is sleeping with Harriet on his legs and Jr on his chest.

They have been out for a bit. Dad says as he gives me a blanket to warm up.

Thanks. I say as I take it.

So what the hell was that? Dad asks me.

What? I ask playing dumb.

Why didn't you take out Mal? Dad asks.

Because I wanted her to know that I could slip out and defeat her anytime and that's what I did. I say as I sit on Harry's lap as he sleeps while I take Jr out of his arms an into mine.

That could have been our last chance dad says.

Um, well I heard that mom scepter as been stolen and the queen's crown so there is going to be another villain. And what was it dear father that you and mother told me about your ember? Hmmm, all that's it that it's the only thing more powerful than the scepter. So they are gonna want to use it. But no. It's mine. So either Mal lets me leave the Isle or she doesn't get them ember. Then when she is done here and they go to there bikes probably Harry and the gang will steal them and when they go over the line behind us they will be there and then I will drop the ember into the ocean and Uma will go get it. Uma and I already talked. I say looking at him.

That is actually a good plan. But how do you know that the scepter and crown were stolen? Dad asks.

Because dear old Mom made me do a spell for her just in case she failed.  I say.

Okay. Who is this person? Dad asks.

Audrey. Sleeping Beuty's Daughter. I say.

Now that is a good one. Dad says.

Yeah. I say.

Wait what about the kids? Dad asks.

Oh, so I was gonna ask you mind watching them? I ask.

Sure. Dad says.

Thank you. Now Harriet is still sick I felt her forehead again and it's still warm so you really won't have to deal with her that much just him. I say as I hold Jr.

Does Harry know the plan? Dad asks.

Yes, I do. Harry says with his eyes closed.

Okay, well here hold him again. I say as I pass Jr to Harry. I am gonna get them some stuff for tomorrow because that is when they will be coming. I say.

Great. Dad says as Harry can't get up cause of the kids.

Hey, babe mind getting Harriet off my legs? Harry asks.

Nah, this is cute right here. I say.

*Okay, another chapter done sorry that it's shorter but next chapter will be when Mal and the Gang got to the Isle. Please Comment and Vote. Peace*

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