Chapter 6

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Mom dad where were you? I ask as I see my parents come back from overnight.

We need to tell you something. Dad says.

Okay, what? I ask looking at both of them.

Sit down. Mom says.

Okay, tell me what's going on. I ask.

The reason why your hair is turning on fire is because of your anger. Mom says.

What? I ask.

It's because one, you are the firstborn of Maleficent. Then Hades. Princess, right there you have a ton of magic with us being your parents. Dad says.

Okay, continue. I say.

Three years ago... You lost your baby. Dad says.

Dad, please don't. I say as I start to cry.

You blame Mal, I don't blame you for blaming Mal, I would too. Mom says.

You are angry at her, yourself, Harry, everyone. Dad says.

So, huh, what am I supposed to do?!! I ask.

First, you need to calm down. Mom says.

When you lost the baby, that was all Mal's fault, not yours. But something did happen to you when that happens and not just the loss of a baby. Dad says.

Okay, go on. I say.

You have more anger and as we said you are our firstborn. That means you will have more magic than Mal. But, when you were born there was a prophecy. Saying you will open the barrier and let us all out. That will happen one day. Mal will fail and you will be able to bring it down. Dad says.

Okay, so what does that mean? I ask.

In the future, we don't know how long it could me months years days but you will let us all out and we won't be stuck here anymore. Dad says.

Okay. I say.

The baby you are carrying will make you stronger. When the baby is born that is probably when you will be able to bring down the barrier. And with your hair turning on fire. Is the first sign that the prophecy is coming soon. Dad says.

What do I do then? I ask dad while I'm crying.

You let people in. Let Harry in more, Uma, Gil, anyone you trust let them in and let them help you. I know it will be hard but you have me and you have your mother. We are there for you. DAd says.

Okay. I say.

You are strong. Stronger than Mal, Stronger than me, and one day you will be as strong as your dad. Mom says.

So, what do I do? I ask my parents.

Take it easy. Let people take care of you. Just relax try not to stress. Don't think about Mal. Mom says listing off the things to say.

EAt, and drink no alcohol. Dad says.

Okay, that's it? I ask.

Yeah, but I think you should tell Harry. DAd says.

Okay, I'm gonna talk to him. But I just wanna lay in bed for a bit. I say.

Oh, and one more thing, try and not have sex for your pregnancy. Mom says.

MOm!! I say. Ugh, okay not talking to you both about that nope, goodbye see you later.  I say as I leave the room and go to my room and see Harry sleeping with Harriet on his chest.

 What was that talk to your parents? Harry asks.

Oh, about the hair stuff. I say laying next to him.

Well? Harry asks.

One day I will bring down the barrier and set everyone free. Mal will fail. I will win. Umm, the baby will make me stronger, and I'm more my father then my mother. Apparently with my hair on fire means the prophecy will be coming soon. Dad says most likely to be after the birth of this one. I say and at the end touch my stomach.

Well, what are you supposed to do? Harry asks.

RElaxing, no stress, eat drink a lot, and no drinking or sex. I say looking down.

Hey, I'm never leaving you. I can wait 9 months until we have sex again. Harry says laughing.

Good. I say as I give Harry a kiss.

Do you know when your mom is gonna talk to your Mal? Harry asks.

Sometime tomorrow. I say.

Okay. Harry says before kissing me.

*Okay that's it for today. Please vote and comment.*

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