Letter #8

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Dear Luca,
I haven't wrote to you in a while. You have been dead for five months. I only have a few more weeks until I have our little girl. She is approaching fast. My due data is expected in February. I can't wait wait to see her. Jasper and Elian understand that they will be having a little sister and they are all excited. I don't what I will name her but I kinda like Lucia. I don't know yet though I still figuring out what to name her. I'm so excited to become a new mom again. I can't wait to enjoy all of these mommy and daughter moments. She will be safe by having her two big brothers to protect. I hope she comes out looking like me just for once. Jasper and and Elian look identical to you. But if she looks like you that will be fine. I still love you to Luca. I hope you are doing well.
- Love, Audrey

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