Part 29| house

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3rd p.o.v
    It was a few hours later and the cabin was eating dinner. The only person not there was tae of course, he told jungkook he wasn't ready to see everybody at the same time yet to which the alpha understood.

  The boys sat in silence, eating until someone else came down.
   "Hey guys..." they heard a bright spirit enter the room whom they haven't seen in a couple days actually. Hoseok knew what happened But was very busy with everything at the moment.
"Hi hobi" Jimin said excitedly. Looking for something other then tension in the house. Soon a conversation struck up and everyone was talking amongst themselves.
   The only person who wasn't talking however, was jungkook. They all chose to ignore the tense looking true blood as they already knew why he wasn't in a good mood.
The only thing that the true blood could think about was his mate. He began eating very fast, finishing not even bothering to pick up his plate or push in his chair.
  "Brat" Jin mumbled.

   The alpha reached there room. Before he went in he softened his facial expression and set himself to a less tense mood to avoid scaring the precious omega. Once doing so he walked in and threw himself on the bed next to Taehyung. He still seemed to be a little shocked, but a lot more calmer now that the alpha's magic worked as always.
  He rolled over and grabbed the omegas waist pulling him into his lap, leaning against their head board. He cradled tae like a baby, holding under his knees and behind his back. The only thing touching him was the omegas bottom on his lap and his head in his chest. He put the tip of his nose in the omegas hair lightly, pressing a kiss into it before speaking.
  "Baby, do you want to take a bath with me?" He asked softly, watching as the petite boy fiddled with his small hands staring at his lap.
  He smiled brightly when he saw the omega nod his head and drop it back into his chest. So the alpha got up still holding Taehyung and walking to the bathroom.

   The two sat in silence in the tub. The alpha carefully washing Taes back as he hugged his knees and stared into the bubbly water. He could hear a few of the omegas thoughts and was very upset and angry to hear them. He listened to all the traumatizing things the omega was replaying and wondered how he didn't cry. All he sensed was just a whiteness of impurity trapped in his soul. He wish he could break Taehyung out of it but he knew there was something's even he couldn't do.

   The alpha finished, setting the cloth down and wrapped his arms around the boys waist, leaning his chest against the omegas back and nuzzling his face on his shoulder.
    "I promise I won't let anybody hurt you. You're all I have left and I promise to cater to you until the day I die Kim Taehyung. I can't wait to have kids with you I can't wait for us to rule this pack..." he hesitated before saying the last part, not wanting to push it.
   "I can't wait for you to be fully happy.." he said lastly. Upon that he heard a sniffle and the sound of 3 tear drops hitting the water almost silently.

  "I love you" Tae said, grabbing jungkooks hands and leaned back and tilting his head. He placed a sweet and emotional kiss on the alphas lips to which he responded gently.
   The two split apart and gazed at each other.
"I promise" jungkooks said before kissing him sweetly agian.  The omega nodded and the two continued there peacefully evening.

  Little did they know...

  Hii guysss!!! So this chapter would've been up yesterday but I got tired and stuff. Somethings have been going on so I've been trying to control them and get me on the right path. Also do any of you take French?? I'm taking it and it's pretty fun. This is a shorter chapter because it's a filler, I'll try to post again within the next few days, the chapters are gonna start getting good here soon and stuff. I have a bachelorette party to go to this weekend so it may not be till next week or whenever I have time!! Thankyou and I love all of you guys for voting and stuff if you're reading this... lol and do u have any recommendations? Comment and I'll be sure to include them.

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