Chapter 3: Rides and Kidnapping

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"Sure" Roy and I said at the same time, Brittany then walked over to the line and waited until it was her turn. While she was waiting, Roy and I begin talking about things, all kinds of things to be exact. "So, you like it here so far?" I asked and Roy just looked around then answered me by saying, "I don't know, but I do love how I get to spend some time with my family and not have work interrupting anything" and I smiled. Soon, the ride Brittany was on, came to a full stop and Roy went to go get her while I wait here for them, "ALEXIS!!!" someone shouted, and to be honest, it sounded like Hughes. I turned my head to the right just a little to see Hughes, running at me with full speed. He then tackled me in a hug and he kept on saying "I missed you so much!" I started laughing at him as he rocked us back and forth. "When did you turn into my husband?" I asked still laughing. Hughes stopped rocking us and looked at me, "Where is your husband anyways?" he asked looking around and then soon noticing Brittany. He looked back to me and rocked us back and forth once more, I started to laugh again as he kept on saying how much he missed me still. "Hughes, stop smothering my wife" Roy said walking up to us with Brittany holding his hand so she won't get lost. Hughes let go of me and apologized, "It's fine, we're besties anyway" I said and he smiled, I smiled back and then took Roy's hand. A moment later, we heard screaming, so we turned around to see a ride that was spinning and was halfway or something up in the air. "Mom? Dad?" Brittany asked, we both looked at her, "Can I go on that ride?" she asked, Roy and I looked up at the ride once more and shook our heads no. Brittany started to fake cry and Hughes spoke up, "I'll take her on that ride" he said and Roy and I both looked back to our daughter to see if she wanted to do that, "Yea! Can I go on it if Hughes takes me on it?" she asked and I looked up at Roy. "I think she'll be fine if Hughes went with her" I said and Roy thought about it for a moment, he sighed before saying "Fine, she can go if Hughes goes with her on that ride" and Hughes stood up straight and put one hand to his side, and one hand up to his forehead. "Do not lose my daughter Hughes" Roy said and Hughes then took off his hand and said "Yes sir" before taking Brittany's hand and leading her to the ride. Roy and I just walked over to the pole by the ride, Roy then slipped his arm around my back and his hand is now resting on my hip, I did the same to him and he just smiled, enjoying this as much as he possibly can. 

A few minutes later, someone shouted Roy's name out, and it sounded like a man's voice. We both turn our heads to see someone with an eye patch and a mustache. Roy then took his hand off of me and saluted to him, I turned around so I can face this guy and Roy then said "Fuhrer Bradly" and then took his arm down away from his forehead and put it back around me once more. "Hello Roy" the guy said and then looked at me with the one eye that he has, "And who may this be?" he asked giving me one of his hands to shake, "This is my wife, Alexis" Roy said and I shook the guy's hand. "Nice to meet you Alexis, I am Fuhrer Bradly" he said and I nodded, "Nice to meet you too Fuhrer" and then with that, Roy, Fuhrer Bradly and I kept talking about things. A few minutes later, all you could hear is Hughes screaming something, when he finally got over to us, it was clear to hear what he was screaming before.

"I LOST BRITTANY!!!" Hughes shouted one more time before mine and Roy's eye's got wide. "WHAT!?!?!" I shouted at him, Roy looked like he was gonna explode, and then walked over to Hughes and grabbed him by his uniform and making a fist in his uniform. "How could you have lost my daughter?!?!?" Roy asked sounding very mad, I looked over at Fuhrer Bradly and said "I'm sorry for seeing this, Hughes took mine and Roy's daughter on a ride and Roy told him not to lose her, and he lost her" I said looking at Hughes with a death glare at the end of the sentence. 

-A few hours later (At the office)-

Roy sat in his chair thinking, while I walked back and forth in front of his desk. A moment later, the door opened to Roy's office, and there stood Lieutenant Hawkeye. We both looked up at her and then she asked, "What's wrong? You two seem like you just saw a ghost or something" she said. I sighed and begin to cry, Roy quickly got up out of his chair and walked over to me, hugging me. Hawkeye gasped and her eye's went wide, "What happened Alexis?" she asked coming into Roy's office a little. "Hughes lost Brittany" I said in between sobs. She gasped once more and then we saw Hughes walk by Roy's office. Roy noticed Hughes walk by and then he got mad again, Hawkeye tried to make it so he couldn't see Hughes, which didn't work.

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