Chapter 4: Fighting Scar

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Scar then jumped where I was and hit me with his red sparks, I yelped in pain and Roy noticed, and I could see Roy looking up at us with concern and worry in his eyes and face. He looked like he wanted to kill scar for hurting me, I'm just happy Scar got my arm, not my head. So I jumped down and got Roy and we both ran into an alley, and once we stopped running, I clutched my arm with my other hand and closed my eyes and my mouth, shutting them tight at the pain, I was breathing hard because of the fighting, but mostly because my arm hurts like hell. Roy pushed my sleeve up gently to see my arm, "It's really red" he said and I kept on breathing hard and closing my eyes and mouth. "I think we should get you to a hospital" Roy said and I nodded, he then picked me up bridal style again and started running so Scar couldn't do anything. Once we reached the hospital, Roy ran inside with my still in his arms and we finally made it to the waiting room. When we were in there, I looked around and noticed Al and that blonde I saw twice, and Al came over and looked at me, I'm still breathing heavy, and the nurse then noticed me in Roy's arms. "May I help you?" she asked, Roy nodded and said "My wife got hit really bad, and her arm is really red. She is in a lot of pain" and right after he finished talking, I kind of screamed out in pain. Roy looked at me, "You'll be okay" he said and the nurse ran into the double doors and a moment later, she came out with about three doctors and a bed, they helped Roy lay me down on the bed and I screamed more louder in pain and Roy looked like he was about to cry. The doctors then asked Roy what happened to me and what my name is, "She was protecting me because I can't use my flame alchemy in the rain, so she went after Scar since I couldn't defend her or myself" he said and took a deep breath, "And what is her name sir?" they asked one more time. "Her name is Alexis" Roy said, "Her last name?" one of the doctors asked, "Mustang" Roy said and I screamed again. "Her name is Alexis Mustang?" the nurse asked and Roy nodded, "Yes" Roy said and the doctor asked one more question before rolling me into a room to help me out. "What is her relation to you?" one asked and Roy sighed before answering, "She is my wife" he said and the three doctors nodded, then they rolled me out of the room and into another room. 

-Roy's POV-

The three doctor's rolled her into another room and the nurse handed me a paper with a clipboard and a pen, "Please fill this out and we will do our best to help your wife sir" she said and I nodded, I took the paper and pen from her and walked over to a seat and sat down, I then started to looked at the paper and noticed it's one of those regular things that doctor's ask you to fill out a lot of times. I started to put her name when I heard Ed and Al. I looked up to see Ed and Al looking down at me, "Why are you were Colonel Mustang?" Ed asked and right before I was about to answer, Hughes came into the room and started running at me, "Is she okay?" he asked and I nodded. Ed then gave me a confused face and I ignored it. "What happened?" Hughes asked, "We were walking and then Scar was there. He wanted to kill me and because my flame's won't work in the rain, she protected me. So she was fighting Scar and then he shot a red spark at her and she's in so much pain now" I said and Hughes started crying, "I hope she's okay" he said in between sobs. I nodded and said "So do I" and then Ed gave me another confused face, but once more, I ignored it. 

"Who are you two talking about?" Ed asked and I looked at him, "It doesn't matter" I said and and a moment later a doctor came out of the double doors and looked around before saying "Mr. Mustang?"  the doctor said, I stood up and and walked over to the doctor, and he met me halfway. "How is she?" I asked kind of quick, "She is fine, but she will have to wear a cast for a few weeks, maybe even a month or so" he said and I nodded. "When will she be able to go home?" I asked hoping he'll say today, "Tomorrow" he begun, "We are keeping her here overnight just to make sure nothing happens to her" he finished and I nodded again, "So she'll be able to come home tomorrow?' I asked with an eyebrow raised, the doctor nodded. "Yes. She can go home anytime tomorrow, but she won't be able to fight for a few months and she will need someone to look after her for the first few weeks" he said and I nodded. Then Hughes came over and asked him the same question I was thinking, "How many weeks will she need someone to look after her?" Hughes asked and the doctor looked like he was thinking, "About three weeks" he said and Hughes and I nodded, the doctor then left and Hughes and I looked at each other. "Who's gonna look after her?" Hughes asked me, I shrugged and though about it, "Maybe you should Roy. I mean after all, she is your wife" he said and I nodded.

"Yes" I said and then we walked back to the Elric brothers. "What are you talking about?" Ed asked with a confused face, "It doesn't matter" I said and Hughes just looked down at the ground and pushed his glasses. 

-Back at the doctors (When Alexis gets her cast off) *I'm gonna time skip since I have no idea's for the time when Alexis is first in the hospital because of getting hit by Scar*

-Alexis's POV-

I was sitting on the couch and then I looked at the time, I then noticed I should leave for my doctors appointment now and so I did. I got up and called out for my husband Roy, "Yes?" he asked and I smiled once I saw he was in his regular clothes, he wasn't in his military uniform now. "It's time to head out" I said and Roy gave me a confused face, but I could tell he knew what I meant. I sighed and facepalmed, "Doctors" I said and Roy gasped and said "Oh! That's right" before walking over to the kitchen to get his car key's.

-At the doctors office-

I was sitting down, waiting for my name to be called when Roy was looking at some fashion magazine, I rolled my eye's and put my hand on the magazine, gently pulling it down so I can see his face. "Since when are you into fashion?" I asked giggling a bit, Roy smiled at me and said "Ever since they gave me some time off to watch you" and I rolled my eye's again. "I know that was the doctors instruction's, but I don't need to be babysat" I said and then a moment later, a nurse walked through the doors and said "Alexis Mustang?" and Roy and I stood up and walked over to her. "Are you Alexis Mustang?" she asked and I nodded, she then looked at Roy, "Then may I ask who you are sir?" she asked and Roy said "I am her husband, Roy Mustang" and I smiled when he said his last name. I love being Mrs. Mustang! "Okay then, follow me" she said and Roy and I just followed her and then we stopped at a room.

It had the doctors supplies in it, you know, the normal stuff doctors use to check on you and stuff. We entered the room and I sat down on the bed thing while Roy sat on the chair next to me, "So, what are you here for Mrs. Mustang?" the nurse asked and I smiled at what she had called me, "I am here to get my cast off" I said and she nodded. She then came closer to me and gently lifted up my arm, she begin to check it out and then she stood up straight. "I will go get the doctor" she said and Roy and I nodded, she then left the room and a few moment's later, the door opened and the doctor walked in. 

"How are you Alexis?" he asked, "Good, and you?" I answered and he smiled, "Good, oh and is this your husband?" he said noticing Roy sitting there holding my hand that isn't in the cast. I nodded and the doctor put his hand out for Roy to shake, Roy shook his hand and said "Hello sir" and the doctor smiled at the both of us. The doctor then turned to face me and looked at my arm that's in the cast, "Are you here to get that cast off?" he asked and Roy and I nodded our heads yes. "Alright, I will have to check it out first, then I'll be able to take it off for you. Have you been able to move your arm without it hurting at all?" he asked and I nodded, "Yes, every time I move it now, it doesn't hurt anymore" I said and the doctor nodded, "That's good, that's a really good sign that you can take it off now. Then you'll be able to move your arm without it hurting" he said and I smiled and looked down at my arm.

"Okay" I said and the doctor came over to me and check my arm out, and Roy just watched the doctor, making sure he didn't do anything that would hurt me. But he know's that he won't do it on purpose if he does hurt me, the doctor gently tugged on a part of my cast and moved it out of his way, he then checked my arm more and stood up straight, "Everything look's good" he begin, and Roy and I smiled. "Now, all that there's left to do is to take your cast off and have you move it around, and if it hurt's, tell me" he finished and I nodded, "But what if it does hurt when I move it?" I asked, wondering what would happen if it did hurt, "If it hurt's when you move it now, then you'll have to have the cast on for a few more weeks" he said and I nodded understanding. The doctor then started to gently pull off the cast, and then he said "Can you move your arm around a little?" I nodded and started moving my arm around, it didn't hurt. "Does it hurt?" he asked and Roy looked at me with worry and concern in his eyes, I shook my head no and said "No, it honestly does not hurt" and I moved my arm around a little more. The doctor and Roy smiled and the doctor took the whole cast off and set it in the counter next to him, "What about now?" he asked and I moved my arm more. I shook my head no and said "Nope, no pain" and moved it around more, Roy smiled and so did the doctor, "You arm is fully healed now Mrs. Mustang" he said and I smiled and nodded. "Thank you doctor" Roy and I said, and the doctor nodded and said "It's no problem, it's my job to help. You can leave now, if there isn't any questions you two would like to ask" and then he looked at the both of us, Roy and I shook our heads no, "Okay, then you two can go now" he said and both Roy and I smiled and thanked the doctor once again before leaving.

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