Chapter 5: Brittany Comes Home

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~Brittany's POV~

I was on a ride with Hughes, it was so much fun! "This is so much fun!" I said in happiness as the ride was picking up speed a little, I then looked around me and Hughes said "You like this ride, don't you?" and I nodded. A few minutes later, the ride came to a stop and Hughes turned around for a minute, and while his back was facing me, I felt someone grab my wrist and pull me. I looked towards the direction I was being pulled to and noticed a man. He had dirty blonde hair, glasses, was kind of tall, and he was wearing a brown coat. When we stopped, I took the chance to ask him who he is and why he dragged me here, "Sir?" Why di-" I was cut off by him putting some kind of cloth over my mouth, and I started to drift off.

-At Shou Tucker's house-

When I woke up, I was in a room, it wasn't my room. I looked around the room even more and then the door opened, my head shot  towards the door and that same guy that kidnapped me, walked into the room. "You're awake? That's good!" he said and I gave him a confused look, "Who are you and where am I?" I asked and he smiled, his smiled creeped me out!!!! "I am Shou Tucker, and you are at my house" he said and a moment later, a little girl ran through the door and hid behind Shou. "Who is that?" I asked referring to the little girl that just ran in the room Shou and I are in. "This is my daughter, Nina" he said and I smiled and waved at her, she poked her head out and looked at me, then she smiled at me and ran over to me. "Big sister!!!" she said a little loud and hugged me, I hugged her back and smiled at her calling me her big sister. 

-When Ed and Al rescue her-

I was in the living room playing with Nina, Shou was in the kitchen making some tea for me and him while he poured some milk for Nina. While I was playing with Nina, there was a knock at the front door, I was kind of hoping that it was my parents, or the military even! I didn't like it here, well....the only thing I liked about being here, was being around Nina. Nina is so sweet and I love playing and being around her, Shou went over to the door and opened it, there, stood a blonde and someone dressed in an armor suit. "Are you Mr. Tucker?" the blonde asked, and Shou nodded then moved to the side. "Please come in" he said and they did, "Please, have a seat if you'd like" he said and they did have a seat. Then, Nina got up and ran into the kitchen were the three are, I ran after her and the two boy's looked up at us. "Who are they?" the one in the armor suit asked, and Shou answered. "They are my daughters. Brittany and Nina" Shou said and I gave him a death glare. "Girls, this is Al and Edward Elric" Shou said pointing to each of them when he said their name, so Al is the one in the armor, and Ed is the blonde one. 

-That night-

I was in my room, about to fall asleep when I heard the door open. I looked at the door to see who it was, and then I noticed it was Ed, Ed came into my room. "Brittany?" he asked, "Hmm??" I asked tiredly, I could then see Ed come over to me, then I felt the bed dip. "I can tell your not Shou's daughter" Ed said and I nodded, "I'm really not Shou's daughter, he kidnaped me when I was on a ride, with my parent's friend, he's like an uncle to me" I said and Ed nodded. "Do you want to get out of here?" he asked. I nodded and said "Yes, but there is one thing I will miss" and then Ed looked at me confused, "What?" he asked, "Nina" I said and he nodded. "Well, if you're not Shou's daughter, and you said you were kidnapped, then come with me and my brother. We will take you to the military tomorrow" Ed said and I nodded getting up. I turned around and looked Ed straight in the eyes, "Thank you" I said and he smiled and rubbed the back of his head, "It's nothing" he said and I smiled.

-The next day-

I woke up next to Ed, I looked around to see if I could find Al, and guess what? I looked down and saw his armor leg, I gasped and soon felt arms around me, I looked up and saw Al looking down at me. "It's alright Brittany, you were very sleepy last night, and we didn't know where else to put you, so I let you sleep on me" he said and I smiled, I got up and turned around to look at him. "Thank you so much for letting me sleep on you, and thank you for helping me escape that horrible place Shou calls home" I said and I could hear laughing, I looked at Al and then Ed.

"Are you ready?" Ed asked getting up, and stretching. I nodded, "Yea" and with that, Ed and Al picked everything they have with us and put it over their shoulders. Al had the heaviest things, while Ed had only a brief case, and I had nothing. We started walking and all I could think about was how much my parents must have missed me, and when we were almost there, Ed asked me a question. "So Brittany, if your not Shou's daughter, then whos daughter are you?" he asked and I smiled, "You'll see" I said and Al asked me a question as well. "Wait, what? You're not Shou's daughter?" and by the way he asked that question, I could tell he was confused. I shook my head no and said "No, he kidnapped me when I was on a ride with my parents friend, he is like an uncle to me" and Al then said "That seems nice" and I smiled while looking ahead of us, "It is" I mumbled to myself.

-At the military building-

Ed, Al and I walked up to the military building where my dad and Hughes work, I smiled and we walked up the stairs. Once we were done climbing the stairs, I looked ahead of us and noticed two figures, one figure had a military uniform on and he had black hair that would come at points a little in front of his face, and the other figure was wearing a skirt with a light pink shirt, she had brown hair that would stick up a little and it looked like she has blue eyes. Then, another one came out of the doors and looked at the guy figure, "Conolen Mustang?" they asked, the guy with black hair faced that person and said "Yes?" As we got a little more closer, the more and more they looked like my parents. Of course being away from home for a few months, you would kind of think your parents are someone else. I then got a good look at the guy and the women then noticed they're my parents. I stood there and made sure I was right, and I was,they are my parent. "Mom! Dad!" I said and they turned around and my mom smiled and my dad looked happy to see me, I ran to them and they both engulfed me in a hug. I smiled and I could then hear my mom cry.

-Roy's POV-

Our daughter's back!!! She's finally back!!!! Alexis and I hugged Brittany and then I could hear Alexis start to cry, we stopped hugging when Ed spoke up. "Wait, so she's your daughter?!?!?!" Ed said and we stopped hugging. I stood up straight and looked at Ed, "Yes, this is my daughter, her name is Brittany Mustang" I said and looked over and saw Alexis and Brittany hugging,  I smiled and Ed said "Then who is she? The one hugging her?" and I smiled and closed my eye's for a quick second, "The one hugging my daughter is my wife, Alexis Mustang" I said opening my eye's and Alexis came over to me and wrapped her arms around my right arm, and I smiled. Brittany walked over to us and just looked at us, then at Ed and Al. I looked down at my daughter and said "So I suppose you already know these two, huh Brittany?" and then I looked back up at Ed and Al, "Yes father, I do. I do know these two. They rescued me" Brittany said and I looked at her, "Who kidnapped you?" I asked and Alexis looked at her with a questioning look on her face, "Shou, Shou Tucker" Brittany said and Alexis gasped while my eye's went wide.

-Alexis's POV-

"Who kidnapped you?" Roy asked our daughter, and honestly, I also wanted to know who the hell kidnapped my daughter, and if I find out, ohhhhhh hell will break loose. I looked at Brittany with a questioning look on my face, "Shou, Shou Tucker" she said and I tilted my head to the side, who is this Shou Tucker? Then, you could hear growling, I turned my head and looked at Roy, he looked mad, so I looked down at his hands and sure enough, they were balled up into fists. So I see that Roy knows who this Shou Tucker is. Once we find him, I will make him pay, and all hell will break loose, I swear of it!

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