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it wasn't a great feeling.

my whole world was black; my being on the verge of unconscious. i don't even think i realized i'd hit the water yet. but no, i felt it. all around me.

it was suffocating.

my chest felt tight. my breaths shallow. i didn't recognize the way i was reacting but i knew it wasn't a good sign.

i somehow managed to pry my eyes open and began panicking even more. my arms started flaying around crazily underwater and i'm pretty sure i looked psychotic.

somewhere, maybe above the surface, a whistle sounded and then a splash.

all of sudden there are hands wrapped around my torso as they aid in lifting me up to fresh air.

i gasp harshly, filling my lungs greedily. i started shaking.

"hey it's okay," a boy said comfortingly, from behind me. "you're safe now."

i assumed this guy was a lifeguard with how he was saving me or it could just be a random courteous male but i doubted it. no one wanted to save a helpless little girl like myself from drowning.

i flail in his grasp, wanting to get away, but he tightens his grip on my armpits.

"i'm trying to help you. please just let me," he pleaded, almost desperately.

"i don't need your help," i said harshly. "i don't need anyone's help for that matter."

i felt the warm breath blow onto the back of my exposed neck as he sighed. "okay. just let me get you on the deck and i won't help you anymore."

i nodded once. "you do that."

"right well if you would grab onto the tube, that'll be best. that way, i can pull you to the ladder without you continuing to flop around like a fish out of water." he laughed at his own joke.

i decided to ignore his jab and put my arms on the flotation device, letting him guide me through the water.

from this position, i could only see the back of his head. but from there i could tell he was cute, handsome even. his brown hair, wet and slicked back from the water, contrasted with his tan complexion quite nicely. a small cross earring on his right earlobe only added onto the cuteness look.

he turned, perhaps to see if i was still on and i finally got to see his entire face: a long, sharp nose with full lips. baby blue almost cerulean eyes that made his face mesmerizing to stare at. his cheeks were a little chubby. squeezable, i thought.

my first thought i had when i completed my assessment was, fuckboy.

definitely a fuckboy. and if i was wrong then i'll admit it. but it was just the gut feeling you know. the nice smile; the gorgeous eyes and body that just screamed rich and playboy.

"when you're done checking me out, you can go up this ladder," he said, smiling widely and the corner of his eyes crinkling adorably.

oh yeah he's definitely rich, i thought, making no move to get out of the pool just yet. no one has that bright color of white without having some work done.

i kept my judgments to myself though and rolled my eyes in response.

"you're not worth looking at anyway," i said nonchalantly with a shrug, not caring if i hurt his feelings. because i'm harsh like that.

he gasped, placing his hand over his heart dramatically. "but i woke up this morning and styled myself, wanting to look beautiful for you," he said, voice childish and almost girly-whiny like.

"bitch i don't even fucking know you."

"i know you though," he said puffing his chest out as if knowing me was something to be proud of. "winter carson, in the flesh and standing - well floating - in front of me." he fanned his face, seemingly hot all of sudden.

i tilted my head, narrowing my eyes at him. "that's great and all but i still don't know who the fuck you are. some fuckboy most likely." i started climbing the stairs now and when my feet hit the deck, i almost yelled out in contentment. the floor was never so sweet to me as it was at this particular moment.

"hey come on," the annoying boy said, trailing after me. "i just saved your life so you have to automatically be nice to me. and fuckboy? really? more like exploring the caves and looking for the right treasure chest. but ey," he shrugged, looking as arrogant as ever. "haven't found it yet."

i huffed and resisted casting my eyes to the heavens to ask God why He put this annoying guy in my path. i was annoyed by his presence already, even though i just met him like five minutes ago.

or maybe i'm just not a people person.

yeah that's definitely it.

"look man, this has been pleasant and shit but i left my grandma in the sun an hour ago and according to google that can cause extremities so i should wheel her outta here before the big C joins the party," i said expertly, barely twitching or moving my facial features so he couldn't possibly pick up the lie i just told him. on the spot, i'd give myself a 7.5 out of 10 for that one.

he seemed to believe me though because he smiled brightly and nodded. "wouldn't want that to happen." he stuck his hand out. "i'm jakob quinton by the way."

i looked straight at it, already knowing i wasn't gonna shake his hand. "nice," i said boredom expressing in my voice rather thickly. i turned away, speed walking and located the exit before he could say another word to me.


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