Foreword - Introduction

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I watched as his hand grabbed the pillow, slowly. I didn't know his exact intentions, but I had a feeling that it was going to be a pillow fight. He was attempting to make sure I didn't notice him going for the cased cloud- but I did. I quickly smiled, turning around before the pillow met my face. I just laughed, grabbing another pillow and attacking him with it.

            Soon we lost the pillows and just wrestled, our bodies rotating as we rolled off of the bed, and onto the floor, our laughter getting louder. It was too soon when we stopped, his hand met my cheek as he pressed my loose, dangling hair behind my ear. “I love you.” He chimed, making me smile like a little girl who just got her first doll, the one she’s always wanted.

            “I love you too…” I replied, blushing.


        “Yeah, it’s a long story.” I sighed, putting the bottle of alcohol to my lips, sipping ever so slightly.

        “I have time.” The man sitting next to me rang, his hand on his bottle of Blue Moon, blankly looking to me. I couldn’t help but blush.

        “…I kinda just came here after a big break up.” I admitted, shifting my position on the bar stool to look at him better. His soft eyes were gazing at me.

        “Well, I’m sorry to hear that.” He plainly looked down to his beer and shook it a bit, playing with it in a sense.


            “I didn’t know that you drink.” He stared at me, the bottle of Corona in my hands as I looked to him innocently.

            “I don’t.” I got up, walked away, and threw the bottle in the recycling bin. I sighed, rubbing my temple before seeing that he had followed me to the kitchen. “What? There’s a first for everybody.” My face started to heat up due to the fact that he was staring at me so attentively.

            “Don’t say that.” He ended the silence, picking the bottle out of the bin. “This isn't a first. This is a last.”  He nodded to me, then to the bottle. “You’re stronger than this.” After dropping the bronze bottle back into the blue bin he grinned at me. “I am too.” I frowned, looking to him dumbfounded.

            “You used to drink?” My voice was a bit quiet, my eyes switching to the floor.

            “Yeah, but… I stopped when I met you, ____.” His lips formed into a smile, and mine did too.


            “You shouldn't be sorry, it wasn't your fault.” I took another gulp of the alcohol before placing the bottle down on the counter, observing the label. A silence struck from the two of us.

            “Corona, huh?” He sounded, making me look to him quickly, yet I simply nodded. He looked down to his beer before holding it out toward me. “Ever try this one?” The label reading ‘Blue Moon’ was pointed toward me, I simply looked to it, the bottle seeming very tempting. He shook it a bit, raising an eyebrow, making me sigh and take it from his hand, sipping it gingerly.

            “It’s good.” I tried handing it back, but he put his hand up.

            “Keep it, I have to head out anyway.” He stood up, grabbing his wallet from the counter before looking to me. “Have a nice night, ____.”

            “Wait-” I stopped him, his eyes meeting mine.


        “Where are we going?” I questioned after he had got in, closing his door.

        “It’s a surprise.” He looked to me before turning on the engine, pulling out of the driveway. He must’ve looked over to me and my helpless look. “Don’t worry. It’s a good surprise.” He reassured me, smiling that warm smile he usually did.

        “Is it a party?” I asked, slinking back into my seat, comfortably. He chuckled, not moving to look at me; focusing on the road ahead.

        “You’re going to have to see.” He moved his hand to my knee, pushing it slightly before retracting it back to the wheel. I smiled at the warm, comforting touch and turned my gaze to the window, watching everything pass by. Before I knew it, I fell asleep, dreaming to the sounds of rain hitting the window.

        When I woke up, we were approaching a large city with lights sparkling and cars packed in and out of the main roads into the fancy looking city. I looked at everything, speechless. It was beautiful. “Welcome to Denver.” I was startled a bit by the sudden voice from behind me.

        “It’s… pretty.” My eyes kept searching the buildings, cars, and street lights that flash throughout the area. He just chuckled, which off put me. “What?” I looked to him, his lips curled up to a smile.

        “You think this is pretty?” He questioned me, quite seriously.

        “Yes.” I answered him straight, looking back to the window. “It’s very pretty.”

        “I’m glad you think so.” The car- other than the radio faintly playing- became silent between the two of us.


        “Hm?” The man turned back to me, looking a bit confused.

        “It’s going to sound really weird- but could we exchange numbers? N-not like in a hook up kind of way,” He began to chuckle, “in a more friends kind of way.” I looked up to a grin I couldn't ignore.

        “No worries, and sure.” He took out his iPhone, as did I. After we exchanged our information he explained that he should be on his way, and I agreed. After he left, I looked back to the bottle of Blue Moon, taking another sip. His scent remained on the top of the bottle, where his lips used to be.

        ‘What am I doing?’ I asked myself, taking another sip.

        A/N: I hope you guys like this little intro! I don't really have an updating schedule for this one, so I guess when I get the time to update it, that's when I'll do it. I got the random idea to do this- so here it is! :) Have a nice day and thanks for reading!

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