5 - Hobbies

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     With the continuing silence, and my frozen glare, James looked to me, quite concerned. "Are you alright?" He spoke gently, his hand meeting my arm in attempt to pull me out of wonderland. "____?" I closed my eyes for a second before our eyes connected and I smiled, reassuring him that my state was okay.
        "Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry, I just-" He chuckled, throwing me off for a moment, as well as making me look to him, puzzled. "What?" I questioned him, looking to him.
        "Nothing, hah, sorry." A small smile appeared on my face, as well as a rose colored tint on my cheeks. Just then the waiter showed up with our drinks.
        "Are you two ready to order or are you still deciding?" The woman was holding a small notebook and a pen, ready to jot down anything that sounded remotely close to an order. 
        "Oh, we were so caught up in our conversation we forgot to look." I snickered, opening a menu and taking a look. James did the same and the waiter nodded and headed off to attend to her other tables. "I think I'll have this." I pointed to a meal that didn't cost too much but was yummy too, which hopefully, would make both of us happy. That is, since James insisted on paying. 
        When the waiter came back we ordered our meals and gave her the menus, leaving the table bare other than our utensils. "So what are some hobbies of yours?" He questioned, folding his hands on the table, a friendly smile planted on his face.
        "Well, I really enjoy reading and writing but up until my promotion I didn't have much time for that." I spoke, crossing my legs under the table, feeling pretty comfortable with the conversation. 
        "Promotion?" He asked, I nodded.
        "I work for Respawn Entertainment. I used to be a regular manager in the design portion of the office. A couple days ago actually was when I was promoted to a Head Manager of Design. Which, I would say is a cheat in life, considering the fact that I don't have to be at the office the entire day." He sat back, impressed.
        "Wow, that's awesome." He complemented, leading my cheeks to flush a sweet pink.
        "What about you? Your hobbies?" I asked, leaving him to smile and chuckle a bit. 
        "Well, you see, I am a YouTuber. I make gaming videos of myself, well, playing video games." My smile widened, which seemed to surprise him somewhat. "What?"
        "I think that's really cool. I mean you get to play games, and get profit off of that. Well, other than all the editing, that must suck." I replied, looking to my food as I began to eat, looking to him as he spoke.
        The day went nicely, with both the conversation and the food. It was probably the first time I talked about my hobbies since my breakup with Mason. It felt good to talk to someone about who I am again, especially someone who shared their interests back. Parting ways we both made it clear that we'd be seeing each other again shortly, since we are both going to the upcoming convention. I have to go to help with the Titan Fall booth, since they needed more help in preparation, I gladly volunteered. James is going for the games, which envy him for because he can spend both days playing the games in he convention. While I, as a volunteer, have to stand by with the booth as support.
        When I got home I replayed the day in my head, smiling to myself like a ninny. I was honestly pretty nervous in the beginning, which made me think the day was going to be a bust- but it wasn't!
        He gave me his YouTube username and when I got the time, I searched it and started watching some of his latest videos. He sure was funny, and he seemed to be more comfortable behind the camera, which didn't really bother me considering he's been doing this for a few years now.
        While watching his videos I noticed on the suggestions bar that he was in a video from 'TheCreatureHub'. Curious me, I clicked on the video titled 'Moth Hunters'. Watching it, I cracked up at least four times- that is before the end scared the hell out of me. I also learned that James was apart of a bigger YouTube group, The Creatures, which consisted of 7 other men. They were all hilarious, which convinced me to subscribe to them all.
        This also made me realize how busy he must be. Considering the fact that he has his own individual channel and he has to make videos with the group. This lead me to start thinking, 'Maybe I should just leave him be and not interfere with his life. He seems busy enough.' 
        I decided to take a shower and confront him about it later, not that he would accept it, he doesn't seem like that kind of man. If anything, I believe he would tell me that it's fine and continue the 'friendship' anyway. I just really hope he doesn't strain himself or anything- maybe if I confront him about it, he will try harder to act like it's fine? I can't confront him then, what if he does?
        That's when I decided that I am over thinking it, simply trying to think of the worst circumstances in the situation. That's what I usually do, which, isn't a good habit to pick up.
        I am just going to have to wait until E3 to see him again, then I'll decide what to do then. Plus, I have a trip to pack for and errands to run before I leave. Maybe I'm the busy and over thinking one here?

A/N: Thanks for reading! :) I hope you enjoyed this chapter, there isn't really much here in the beginning but fillers, you're going to have to settle with me until the story line picks up.

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