3 - Interview and No Intentions

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    The next morning, I had to drag myself out of bed for work. With my alarm still yelling at me I managed to lift my head from my Wonderland of a pillow, my hand pressing the 'reset' button. I groaned before sitting up, a headache soon appearing. "Great." I muttered before getting up and trekking to the bathroom. Apparently I left my makeup on from the night before because there was a black line of mascara wondering across my face, starting at my eye to my nose. I simply ignored it, unclothing myself and hopping in the shower where it would wash away.
        After my refreshing wash it dawned on me that I would be late, considering the fact that I was daydreaming in the shower. "Shit." I cursed, snatching some clothes and putting them on before blow drying my hair the smallest bit- as if it would make a difference. I brushed my teeth in a rush, the applied only a small amount of makeup. When I was leaving, I noticed almost immediately that I had left my phone in the house, another delay.
        When I finally reached the office building I hopped out of my car, receiving a phone call before I reached the door. 'Marvin Calling' I rolled my eyes, answering it as I walked in. "Hello?"
        "You're late." He explained, as if I didn't know. It ticked me off a bit and I shook my head as I approached the front desk.
        "I know, Marvin." I looked to the lady, giving a fake smile. "______ ______." I gave her my name, waiting for her approval- a nod and a 'Have a good day.' I nodded back, heading to the elevator.
        "Today is a big day, _____. Don't forget that." He sighed on the other side of the line, my frustration levels raising.
        "I know, I know. Is the Microsoft-" I got cut off.
        "Yes, he's here- and we're all waiting for you and Beck." He explained, in an assertive manner.
        "Well, I'm here. I'll be there in a sec." I sighed, hanging up. Today was our big day- revealing one of our newest video games. 'Titanfall' Yes, I worked at Respawn Entertainment, and a pretty high position.
        I was the tiniest bit nervous about the whole interview and what not, but it went pretty swimmingly and sure enough, we signed with Microsoft that day. After some celebratory lunch with Marvin and one of the graphic artists, Stephanie, I headed back home. As I walked in, I was slapped in the face by the sweet sound of silence. It was a bit off-putting since I just had what seemed like a rowdy lunch.
        That's when I thought of it, however, the idea was quickly shot down when I started thinking back to the bar and why I was there. 'Calling James would just upset my emotions even more.' I thought, tossing my phone to the couch. I watched television for a little while before looking back to the phone, innocently sitting there.
        That's when, quickly- without though, I grabbed my phone and went into my contacts. 'James W.' I clicked it, and I started to question myself at the ringing tone.
        "What the hell am I going to say?" I said out loud, now scared at the fact that I could look like a creeper for calling this guy's phone with no intention to talk.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, I deicded to update it because it was so short- but there will be a much longer one next week! & Thanks so much for the votes <3

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