7 - Almost Kiss?

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  "Can we get free copies?" Jordan laughed, looking up to the large statue. I decided to be sarcastic with him, which is what I would usually do if James was here or not.
        "Yeah, actually," He paused, looking to me with a hopeful face. "I heard GameStop gives them out for free, but there's a tax of 60$" I winked, smiling at the man. The others seemed to laugh, making my face burn a shallow pink. Suddenly, Marvin placed his hand on my shoulder, a smile plastered on his face. 
        "You're off now. You can hang out with your friend or whatever." I nodded, turning back to James with an accomplished face on.
        "Shall we?" I asked, forcing him to look slightly down at me, his shiny brown eyes hypnotizing me.
        "We shall." With that, we walked away from the booth, leaving both Marvin and 'The Creatures' behind us. "Y'know, I'm gonna' get a lot of bullshit for this later." He explained, helping me find my way through the storm of people in the convention.
        "I'm sure you'll manage," I chuckled. "now what did you want to do?" We stopped in a less-crowded area in the front of the building, stopping to chat.
        "I don't know, I wasn't planning on you getting free from your booth for a while. I hadn't really planned anything." His smile was so distracting. Stop. I yelled at him in my head, however, a smirk landed on my face instead. "What?" He questioned, his grin growing wider.
        I was about to say something as I heard a painfully loud yell in my ear. "Nova! Hi, could I get a picture?" I cringed for a moment before I realized he was talking to James, this made me blush, embarrassed. I didn't mean to look rude or anything, and especially not to one of James' fans. 'Nova' looked to me with a smile and a shake of his head. He accepted the fan's offer and I stood back as they took a picture. "Thank you so much!" The fan beamed off, owning one of the widest grins I had seen so far today. 
        "Nova?" I nudged him as he laughed. He seemed kind of embarrassed, but I couldn't uncover a tint of blushing on his cheeks.
        "Yes. UberHaxorNova is my Username on YouTube. I get called Nova quite a lot." Damn you. I cursed myself. I kept falling for that smile of his, as well as his eyes. "You alright, _____?" Shit. I was staring for too long. 
        "Yeah, sorry." I guess I'll be truthful- if anything it should be cute that I like his eyes, right? "I just love your eyes." He smiled, nervously chuckling. I looked away, blushing. "Sorry, that was sappy, wasn't it?"
        "No, no. I just wasn't expecting you to say that. Thank you." My cheeks turned fifty shades of pink. I looked to him for a moment, noticing the color in his cheeks too. "Anyway- did you want to go grab lunch?" I nodded, and we headed to the front entrance of the convention center. Through all the people, I was practically pushed against James, but he didn't seem to care about that. He noticed I was having trouble parting the nerd sea, so he grabbed my hand. I was startled for a minute, but I quickly grew to like ; used to the sensation. 
        As we found our way outside, and fresh air to breath, we recollected ourselves;pausing for a moment. "Are you driving or me?" I asked, not even noticing that our hands were still intertwined in each other's. We both decided I should, mostly because he didn't want to leave the guys abandoned in the convention, and he didn't drive here anyway, Jordan did.
        As we approached the car we awkwardly separated our hands and jumped in the two front seats. I didn't really know where any food places were, so we were sat in the car for about 10 minutes as I attempted to get Siri to show me someplace good. "This is useless," I huffed, messing with the phone. "She keeps showing me places in Colorado- how does she not know we're in L.A?" I shook my head, locking the phone and placing it down.
        "My phone is perfectly fine," James added from the passenger's seat. "Here, I found a place. Go out here and make a left." I nodded, allowing him to dictate me the directions. Soon we pulled into a restaurant with it's name in big, colorful letters spelling out 'Burger Smash'. I nodded, exiting the car, just as my passenger did. "I'll pay." He said nonchalantly.
        "No," He turned to me, confused. "You paid last time, it's my turn." I simply smiled, walking past him before walking backwards for a moment. "You coming?" I chimed, soon seeing him follow me to the door. Before I could grab the handle, he did. I was taken back a little bit. 
        "Ladies first." I rolled my eyes, smiling. He just laughed and entered after me- but at the next pair of doors I held it open.
        "Ladies first." I winked, this making him chuckle. We were given a table and sat down with a large, shiny menu. 


        We chated for a while and ate, leaving us happy and full. That's when we both stood up, our lips inches apart. Both of us turned away, our cheeks burning with embarrassment. In the parking lot we laughed it off though, nudging each other and snickering. "You think we almost kissed?" He asked, leaning on the top of my car, the door open as he hovered in front of it. 
        "Well, I mean, what else would you call it?" I asked, chuckling before getting in my seat. Then I suddenly felt a pair of warm lips on my cheek, making me flush my cheeks. I wasn't expecting for him to kiss me- as least not after we just talked about it.
        I looked to him, dumbfounded as he grinned at me. I fell for it again and allowed a small smile to slip onto my face. I leaned in, as well as he. Then I stopped it, smirking. "You kissed me, now it's only fair that I kiss you, right?" He smiled, shaking his head. I moved forward, lightly pressing my lips on his. 

Now, we kissed.

Bottle of BlueMoon (UberHaxorNova X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now