XIII: Inanis Victoria

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Devastated upon the grim sight, Mavin and Elliot dashed through the desert towards Jona, prompting Lyria and the others to follow. The desperation made all of them forget about the tiredness that was looming around until just now.
Due to trembling, Ellie clumsily tripped on the sandy surface, reaching his dying idol by a slide as Stein put him down. He opened Jona's shirt, and was dreaded to find a rotting, large bite wound, pulsating with veins and crystals that one could find on the bodies of the walkers. It quickly made the rookie's face pale, eyes widened in terror.

"Jona... Jona!" Ellie laid the man on his arms, knees bent. "No, no, no, no... not like this!"
"What the hell happened, Jona?!" Questioned Mavin beside him, in which he only responded with a cough of blood and black liquid.
"T..this is bad! W..we need a medic, quick!" The desperate rookie hopelessly yelled, but to no answer. "I..if we can somehow extract the corruption-!"

"Ellie..." Much to his dread, Jona's voice sounded weak, trembling. "It's... too late... the corruption... has already spread throughout my body..."

Everyone stood still, not a breath of word as Ellie realised that nothing could be done for the infected Jona.
Lyria and the others had the same terror-struck expression, yet Lilia only bowed her head down. Concealed by her big hat were closed eyes, mouths tight-lipped.

"Just... listen to me, will y'all?" Coughed Jona. The others stayed silent, finally letting down their tensed faces out of agreement. "I... got something to say with the remaining time I have left..."

"As for... all the important information... I've left a recording tape... at a safe behind the blackboard... code is... 5411..." He struggled getting his words out. "Do listen to it... but please... don't listen to the tape labelled with... "For Leona". It contains... personal information..."

"Eheheh... sometimes, life can be... a bit disheartening..."

He sighed, frustratingly, but releasing, followed by a chuckle, which prompted the others to loosen up their tensed shoulders. Lyria lowered her eyes in grief, while Eric released his balled-up fists. Mavin narrowed her anger-filled eyes, nothing to lash out to, not that it was the time, and Miko tried her best to hide her tears. Stein just sat back, closing his eyes with a hardened expression, dared not to look.

"From that day, I've dedicated my whole life into becoming the man that Gaet once became... continuing his legacy... giving back that someone to look up to for Lo Herla..." He went on depressingly. "All that, only for me to die along with my men..."
"Don't say that, Jona! You know this isn't your fault!" Elliot countered. "Your admiration for Gaet has nothing to do with this. Admiring someone keeps us going, I know that right...!"
"And the same admiration I had... was what led me into my untimely death..." A bitter laugh from Jona had silenced Ellie once again.

"Truth be told, I... really wanted to stay with you... and fight with all I have... until corruption has stopped spreading..." He wheezed and coughed. "But I was naïve... I've tossed away my leadership... given my men poor commanding... setting a bad example for them... it was all for chasing someone that I couldn't possibly become..."
"Ellie..." He continued with all the strength that he had left as black veins started tattooing itself on his cheeks, paling skin. "I know that... this'll take some getting used to... but... you can stop gleaming your eyes on me... you can stop admiring me from now on..."

"Jona..." Elliot called out desperately. "That's... that's just not fair..."
"My admiration to Gaet only led me to my demise... and I don't wanna see you following that path." He went on. "You have to forge your own path... strive to become yourself, not the person you want to become..."
"I... honestly don't know if I can do that..." Elliot closed his eyes in woe.
"I'm sure you can, Ellie..." Jona reassured the young rookie. "Find that fire inside you... and when you do, I'm sure that... you'll see yourself at a much higher place... than me..."

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