Young Girl and the Shy Witch

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Ugh... being hungry at a time like this sucks...

Lyria peeked into the dark, empty dining room from the door she creaked open, just enough for her head to pop out.
No one to cook... no one to talk to... no Lily to tease...
She roamed around the moon-lit room without making much of a noise to complement for the already quiet surroundings.

Lyria thought she would come across the usual two late-nighters; Mavin and Eric, even accompanied by Harriot to some seldom extent. Yet the stoves were already cold, and the embers at the cigarette tray had long since died out as well, albeit the faded scent still lingered. She continued to saunter through the kitchen area, aimlessly humming while thinking about all the relaxing teas and delicious pancakes she would've had if Ray wasn't such an early-bird.

Peering left and right with her belly grumbling, Lyria fixated her eyes to a familiar-looking wooden crate. The grand realisation hit her as she walked closer, her eyes becoming star-spangled like how Miko's are all the times; she remembered that crate being filled with her beloved Burmalian tea back at the port.
She also remembered what Lilia said to her regarding the tea's side effect and her addiction, yet the devil on her left had already murdered the angel on her right as she scooted over to the crate.

So... THIS is where they've been hiding the tea from me...! She felt like drooling when she threw the crate's wooden cover away, nagging two, three wooden flask, armpitting the third, before sneakily dashing out of the dining room.

"Maaan...!" Sighed she, a relieved smile as she walked the empty corridor on her way to the girl's dorm. "To think that I will ever get to drink this honey-candy of a tea again!" As she opened the lid with only her thumb, chugging in...

"H..huh...? This feels... weird..."

...Whatever that's contained in the now-ominous flask.

"...Oh well!"


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It was only a couple of minutes left until midnight hits. The only things that the jumpy witch girl wanted to hear while reading alone were the sounds of crickets, scraping papers, and desultory wind howling...
Not a loud, ominous muffled thump that gasped her sudden, ears jutted up, book slammed shut out of reflex.

She gulped, knowing that there's no way for her to get her sleepiness back without investigating the sound—a thing that she really wasn't good at.
She discarded any thought of a giant Cotl invasion before tiptoeing to the front door, body still stiff.

"M..Mavin?" She opened the door, popping her head out. "Is that you? Are you home yet...?"
No answers.
"Haah... I can't do this..." She wrapped both hands close to her chest as she stepped out of her room, wearing her leaf-pattern, one-piece beige pyjamas. "M..maybe I should go wake Lyri- uhh... Miko, up before... huh?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2019 ⏰

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