Chapter 1 Death one

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*thirty minutes before*

I was running away from some assholes trying to mug me. It was sad really, I was barely sixteen and I already seen enough to know that this world is full of people who hide behind make-up and alibis. I looked behind me, they continued to follow. They chased me through a park into a ally,"Shit...dead end" I yelled," Why did you run." I turned around to see a mugger, walking up slowly with what seems to be a pocket knife in his right hand, slight grin on his face. "I asked you, WHY DID YOU RUN!" He yelled at me. I just stood there letting him get closer and closer till he was up in my face, he was a dirty blonde with blue eyes, he grabbed me by my collar, picking me and throwing me against the wall. All of the air was knocked out of me, I struggled to get back to the ground," It didn't have to be like this" I felt a hand go through my hair, garbing it and pulling me up. I yelped in pain, kicking my legs, clawing at his hand,then I just froze as I saw his pocket knife was a large meat clever. I watched as he lifted his arm holding the knife, I felt the adrenaline in him, then he slashed the blade through me. "You worthless pice of shit!" He said dropping me against the wall, I leaned against it, then he whispered into my ear,"remember my name, Shawn" then he was gone.

*after prolog*

My silence was disturbed as I heard a voice,"eat the heart heal the body" it said in a shaky tone. " eat the heart heal the body" another voice repeated then another, till the silence was full of voices repeating the same thing over and over again. I was then pulled out of that dark void, my eyes opened back up. I heard footsteps coming towards me," You opened him up, I think he's dead" a males voice yelled, " Fucking go check or I'll do the same to you" another's male voice threatened, "FINE" the first voice yelled back. As I heard him approach, I looked down to see the open wound on my stomach it went from my right side to the other, I was going to scream, but there was that voice again, eat the heart heal the body. That's when I started to chant with it, the man got closer, my chanting grew louder. The man started to grow paranoid, I could tell he was because I could hear him walk softer. He finally approached me and before he could roll me over, I looked at him, I could see terror in his eyes as he tried to turn around and run. I was still weak but I felt something surge trough me, it wasn't adrenalin I didn't know what it was but it was enough for me to throw my arm out and grab his leg. He fell slamming his face into the pavement, he rolled over and nearly screamed when he saw me struggling to get to my legs. Once I was on my feet he began to slowly crawl away, I turned my head and looked at him, I began to walk towards him, my stomach acids were dripping through my cut along with blood. He was halfway through the ally when I stepped on his back, he froze from the touch. I bent down and rolled him over, then I sat on his stomach, his eyes widen as I ripped his shirt apart reviling his chest. I began to chant again," eat the heart heal the heart heal The Body....EAT THE HEART HEAL THE BODY" my voice echoed through the ally as I clawed at the mans chest, then I got that feeling again, I lifted my hands and saw that my nails grew a inch, I then started to claw at him once more. In horror, I watched myself start to peel skin off his bare chest, like it was just an orange, I kept peeling more and more skin till I reached the muscles, I jabbed my fist in ripping a rib, he gulped and spattered up blood. I ripped out a few more ribs that made a cracking sound when I did, I finally got to the heart and it was still beating," eat the HEART" I screamed as I reached in and plucked the heart right out, I stared at it, the feeling rushed through me again and I shoved the beating organ into my mouth, not even chewing I swallowed it and felt a pain in me, slit started to heal my stomach formed together and I felt the heart dissolving in me. I then looked at my hands, my nails covered in torn flesh and blood, the man's chest was empty. I felt unnerved but then I walked out the ally, the two men inside a pick up truck looked at me and screamed," what the hell" he then slapped the hood of the truck twice before they were gone. I fell down then woke up in my bed. "What the hell just happened" I said then my stomach growled and that feeling came over me again, instantly I knew what the feeling was.

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