Chapter 4

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My stomach growled and I looked up to see one man hiding behind a couch, the other was hiding in the kitchen. I was to hungry to wait till they did something. I began to walk towards the man hiding behind the couch, I could hear him whispering to the man in the kitchen but I couldn't make out what he said, I just continued. My mouth was dripping with blood and my hands were also drenched in the red liquid, I still held the rib bone in my right. I then saw something shiny slide to the man behind the couch, I walked a little faster. I was half way towards the couch when he jumped out from behind it, screaming,"DIE YOU EVIL BASTARD", he ran towards me holding a knife in his left hand preparing to swing it. When he got close enough, he swung his arm down attempting to cut me. I knocked his hand away with my arm then shoved the rib bone into the side of his lung, I must have not hit a bone because it slid into his body with ease. His side started gushing blood, he grabbed it trying to hold in the liquids but failed. He coughed up blood then stumbled backwards still holding his side, he leaned himself against the couch and slowly slid down till he sat on the ground. I began laughing as watched him try to pull out the bone, the harder he tried the more I laughed, then I felt something cold rip my shirt and pierce my shoulder. I turned around to see what it was, a man with a knife in hand and fear in his eyes stood in front of me. I gave him a annoyed look. He then lunged towards me, pinning me to the ground, he began to stab the knife into my body multiple times yelling," DIE". I just laughed at him, he tiered himself quickly as the stabbing became slower, he used what was left of his strength and shoved the knife into my heart. He got up and walked back, then I slowly got to my feet, he was scared, I looked at him and smiled a sinister smile, then I pulled out the knife that was in my chest, I didn't feel the pain, I just threw the knife to the ground. My stomach growled once again, then I looked at the man, I began to walk faster and faster till I was almost in a full sprint, when I got close enough I punched him, sending him to the ground. He laid there trying to catch his breath, then the voice spoke again," the eyes THE EYES" it yelled, I don't know why but I started to yell whatever it said," THE EYES" I screamed at the man. I kneeled down, grabbing his throat with my right hand and the top of his head with my left, I was gentle as I was using my thumbs to keep his right eye open. I stuck out my tongue, it felt longer than it did before, then slid it under his eyelid, he screamed in pain as my tongue went deeper into his head, I felt the back side of his eyeball, I wrapped my tongue tightly around his optic nerve and began to pull. I felt the nerve snap and I bit down softly on the eye, it wasn't attached to anything anymore, I pulled my head up, ripping the eye from its socket. The hole were his eye was is empty, muscles was all that was left, then I heard a noise, I turned to look in the direction it came from, there stood the man who killed me," Shhhaawwnn" I said in a low gurgle voice, drool was dripping from my mouth,he stared at me in shock as I pulled my tongue back into my mouth along with the eye. I tilted my head back letting it go down my throat, I licked the blood off my lips and crawled towards Shawn," w.w.ww.why did you" he tried asking before I cut him off," I'm hungry" I growled at him. He was holding a Winchester shotgun, he pulled the trigger without hesitation, then the gun fired. I was knocked to the ground from the impact, I could feel the shrapnel in my stomach and chest, I slowly got to my feet and before he could fire again I charged him, when I was only a foot away, I rammed my hand into the mans stomach, I knew I hit him hard enough because I felt the gooey insides, I pushed him off he landed on his back. " remember when you cut me open" I asked him," no...please don't" Shawn started to beg," please I'm sorry please" " I won't" I grinned then stuck out my index finger," I just want to show you something", and with that I slid my nail into his collar bone and dragged it down," I'm going to show you the pain I felt" I said, shoving my nail deeper into his chest, I dragged my finger down, creating a slit on his chest deep enough to were I touched his ribs." You c..razy basted" he gurgled out, " I know " I simply said, finishing the slit at the upper half of his stomach. I started to laugh as I put both my hands in the slit and pulled it apart, he was still alive crying in pain as I pulled his muscles and flesh opening up his chest, my stomach growled, I reached in the open wound, I then grabbed his heart and before I pulled it out I whispered into his ear," remember me Shawn", I then ripped his heart out, putting it in my mouth, but I actually savored it, tasting the warm blood going down my throat, chewing the juicy organ finally swallowing. I felt..satisfied. Then everything went black and I woke up in my house agian," what is happening" I thought to myself, the feeling was gone. It was getting late so I just decided to wash up and worry about everything tommorow. I brushed my teeth, they weren't covered in blood anymore or were they fangs, my nails were normal again. I let out a tired breath, and went back to bed. I started to drift off to sleep.

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