Chapter 2

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I was confused, and that feeling lingered in me. Why was I alive? What did I do to that man? This questions started to fill my head, What was this feeling, it wasn't dread nor was it guilt, I didn't feel scared or empathy. My stomach growled again," ugh... I need food" I said getting out of bed, I went to my bathroom to wash my face. After I finished, I stayed there, looking at myself in the mirror, I remember the cut I had. I picked up my shirt to look at my stomach, to my amazement, my cut was gone, not even a scar was was left. My stomach kept growling so I decided to go eat. I went to my kitchen and opened the fridge, I grabbed a few things and made a sandwich. After I ate it, my stomach still rumbled and even started cramping up a little. My back arched forward as I put my hands around my gut, I groaned in pain. Then it stopped, straightening myself, I went and sat on the couch and turned on the T.V, flipping it to the news. The news talked about weather and some robberies, I was about to change the channel when I heard them say something about a man, a dead man who was missing his heart. I felt myself sweating as they talked about how he died, they even showed pictures of the gruesome secen, there was blood splatter upon the walls and floor around him, ribs broken from his chest were next to him, covered in his blood, his chest looked like an animal ripped him open, pieces of flesh and breast muscles were scattered over his body. The story changed and I just turned off the T.V. " I didn't do that, I couldn't do that" I said to myself, then I heard it again but it said," Shawn" when I heard that fucking name, my whole body tensed up and started shaking. The voice kept repeating his name over and over and over, it was driving me insane. I covered my ears and put my knees to my chest, then I started to rock back and forth, I almost started crying then it just said,"Revenge " I stopped rocking and stood up," Revenge?" My voice quite but surprised," I need revenge". I turned and headed for the door.

Once I left my house I headed to the ally, the police were gone so I went in. I saw the man still there, I began to search his body for something, I didn't know what though. I then looked at his open chest, I reached in, pulling my hand out it was covered in fresh blood, my stomach growled again as I look at my hand. I...I....I licked it, I licked the blood off my hand, I shivered when I touched my tongue, I kept licking the blood off my hand when I heard a truck. I quickly crawled behind a garbage bin and watched as the men who mugged me, grab the body and drag it into the flatbed of the truck. They drove off then I followed close behind, my stomach kept growling.

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