Chapter 3

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I followed them to a shady part of town, I hid behind a fence when they stopped. I looked at my surroundings, there was a run down factory and the neighborhood was eerily quite. They got out and took the body inside a old house, I took a peek around the corner and saw one of the men, he was the same guy who killed me. I felt myself fill with anger, but I held it back, I didn't want to alert them. The house was two stories and it had a rusted color. I heard a door shut and I stood up, quickly, I went to the door and thought of what I was going to do. " Why did I follow them, they are just going to kill me again when they see me." I told myself, then I turned around and started to walk away, putting my head down. Then, that fucking voice spoke again, but it said," window", I looked up and turned back to see a broken window on the top floor." WINDOW" the voice yelled at me in my head. I walked back to the house, I started to slowly climb the wall with ease. I got to the window, it had broken glass surrounding it and shards still attached to the seal. I stepped in, carful not to step on any glass. I stood there in the dark room, then i bent down and picked up a shard. I was shaking with fear," there's no turning back now" I thought to myself as I slowly began to open the door. I was sweating, my fingers were twitching, I slowly got out the room and walked down the stairs, I reached the bottom, no one was in the main room. I looked around the room, the chairs were ripped and stained, the windows were covered with a orange cloth," I'm going to get some water" a males voice yelled, I froze, clenching the shard of glass, drawing blood from my own hand. I ran to the kitchen not realizing that my stomach was growling. I hid in a dark coroner close to the fridge, the man was entering the kitchen, he went to the fridge and open it. I walked around quietly behind him, I clenched the shard harder, I got closer to him, my heart was beating fast, then he turned around. He screamed for the others, I quickly kicked him in the stomach, he bent down and I put my arm on his neck, then I slammed his head into the ground. I rolled him over, he looked dazed, before I could think of my next move I heard multiple steps coming up from the basement. I didn't have time to think, I kneeled down next to his head, I was shaking, clinching the shard of glass in both my hands and lifted it over my head, he turned to look at me, his eyes widen as he saw the glass shard above me, before he could react I swung down the piece of glass, impaling his throat, I felt him gag as I punctured his wind pipe, my hands were covered in blood. I looked up and saw five men standing in the living room looking at me. Then I saw each of them pull out a pistol and fired. I felt everything, every bullet go through my skin, some breaking apart bones others stoping inside me, I felt it. My body went cold as I collapsed, I was dying again. I closed my eyes, letting my body rest. Then I heard the voice yell,"HUNGRY", at that moment I stopped feeling cold, I opened my eyes and started to move. The five men shrieked when they saw me move, I heard them get their guns ready as I got to my feet. When I was finally standing on my feet, they started to shoot me, but I didn't feel the pain I...I enjoyed it, then the gun fire stopped as they quickly tried to reload, I began to slowly walk closer, they backed up the closer I got. I could tell they were scared, they were shaking, one dropped their gun and kneeled down picking it up, but his bullets scattered across the floor. I walked up to him, he froze when he saw me bleeding from the bullet holes that filled my body, I simply picked up my leg and stomped on the back of his neck. I heard his spine crack and his throat burst as my foot squished the soft parts of his neck, I lifted my foot and his head was lying in a puddle of blood, then my stomach growled. I got to my knees and looked at the mans flattened neck, his spine slightly popping out. I grabbed it with my hand and I tried pulling if out, but it wouldn't. I got up and felt my stomach cramp up, I walked forward a bit then crouched in pain. I started feeling different, my couldn't see but I felt my eyes start to swirl, I stood up and looked at my hands, my nails grew longer turning my hand into a claw, my teeth turned into fangs as my tongue split at the end forming a serpent tongue, my stomach growled again," hungry" I said to myself. I looked at the four men, I saw the man who killed me, once I made eye contact with him, he ran to a back room. I began to walk towards the three, one pointed there gun at me," S.SS.SSTOOOPE" he yelled stuttering, I ignored him and continued," I WARNED YOU" he yelled again then he put a bullet right in my head. I stopped, my head was pushed backwards from the force of the impact, I slowly leaned my head back up and stared at the man who shot me, I felt myself grin and continued to walk forward, then I tilted my head, they kept shooting me but I wasn't effected. When I got close enough the two men separated, but the guy who shoot me in the head, he stayed there backing up into the wall, I grabbed him by the shirt and threw him to the ground," please don't kill me please" the man started crying, begging me, all I did was laugh and say to him," okay", I crouched down beside him and ripped open his shirt, then I....I..I began to eat him, I sunk my teeth into his chest, he screamed as I ripped out a chunk of muscle and skin, then swallowing it. I continued swallowing chunks from his chest, his blood was warm. He was still alive as I ate him, blood was splatted on his face as he screamed in pain, I looked up and saw the other two men watched in horror. I put my hand in one of the open wounds on his chest and shoved it in deep enough, I felt a bone and grabbed it, I tugged on it and pulled it out, hearing the snapping sound as I did, I saw his eyes slowly start to close as his life left his body. I stood up holding the rib in my hand. My stomach growled.

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