chapter 6

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As I grew closer to the city I grew more nervous about finding Athena mostly because I had begun thinking that something may have happened to her but I was prepared to fight for her. I was about to reach the city when I seen a few soldiers leaving the city and I noticed that one of them was holding onto a rope that was tied to a gold neck piece around a woman who resembled Athena and I managed to get closer to look at her when I realized that it was her, I took a deep breath in relief knowing what I had finally found her as I quickly thought of a way to free her from the chains that held her but it would soon be dealt with by a strange winged beast that had attacked the men without any warning of its presence. I watched as it freed her and was about to fly away until I called out her name.

Dante: Athena!

I seen the creature turn back around after she climbed off its back and slowly walked towards me.

Athena: Dante, you came for me?

Dante: I had to...

Athena: my father sent you didn't he?

Dante: no, I left without him knowing.

Athena: why would you risk your safety for me?

Dante: because it's my job too protect you and I --

Athena: you what?

Dante: I was worried for your safety.

Athena: I have been safe since I left my kingdom thanks to Xoda.

Dante: I can see he is doing a fine job of keeping you safe considering you were just being held against your will.

Athena: if you come to take me back home I think we should forget that we have met here and never speak to each other again.

I was about to walk away from Dante when I felt him grab my wrist which caused me to immediately stop walking.

Dante: you know that I would never force you to do anything that you don't want to do.

Athena: good because I hate being forced into things that I don't like.

We begun to make camp in an abandoned cave when Xoda reminded me of something Dante had no idea about.

Dante: so why did you leave the kingdom?

Athena: because I refuse to be married to a man that my father wants me to be with and I love someone else that he wouldn't approve of because he isn't royal.

Dante: you should have at least told the lucky guy that you love him before running away from the city Athena, he deserves to know.

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