Chapter Twenty: Saved By The Bell

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Monday morning has come around again and I'm sat with Josh at the kitchen table while we wait for Mia. I ended up picking my car up from Cole's house yesterday instead so looks like I'll just see him at school.

All weekend I haven't stopped thinking about him once. It's driving me mad and that's when I realise, I was going to ask him how he feels about me today. My stomach churns and the sudden need to be sick because of my nerves occurs.

I just finish eating my toast when the horn goes and we both grab our bags, heading for the door. I'm walking behind Josh when he stops suddenly, causing me to walk straight into his back.

"Ow jeez, Josh. You know that to walk properly you need to move your feet forward." I rub my nose and Josh still hasn't moved. What the hell? "Fine if you're not gonna move then I'll do it for you." I push him out the way and now I'm the one stopping when I see who's parked outside.

Josh's reaction is the complete opposite of mine. While my heart races and I smile, Josh bitterly mutters "This dude really doesn't know when to quit, does he."

"Are you just gonna stand there admiring the terrific view or are you gonna get in?" He asks while smirking. I try my best to show his unexpected appearance doesn't affect me by flipping him off.

I only notice Mia has shown up when she calls from the rolled-down window. "If you don't take up his offer right now, Andie Mitchell I swear to God I'll beat the living crap outta you." I laugh but don't argue.

Looks like he's giving me a ride after all...

We make small talk on the ride there and when we pull up outside I turn to thank him. When I do, he's looking at me oddly again. But by now I know this look. This is an 'I-want-to-kiss-you-and-please-let-me' look.

When did this become such a regular thing?

Don't do it! Don't do it!

We're both leaning in and I can't tear my eyes away from his lips. Oh for Christ sake Andie! Snap out of it!

He lips are so close to mine but before they can touch I move my head down so they rest of my forehead. Looks like my logical side decided to pay a visit.

I can't let this happen again because I know what Cole wants. Me.

What Cole wants, Cole usually gets. And I've said it before and I'll say it again, I refuse to be one of his conquests.

"I can't," I drawl out, "What even is this?" I gesture between the two of us and he doesn't utter a word. "I don't do that, Cole. I don't do this. We can't do this because I don't do no strings attached. So please tell me now if it's something other than that." My tone stays calm when inside I freaking out.

What happens next is what I was dreading all along.

He still doesn't say a word.

I'm screaming in my head, begging him to say something. Anything. Him to say he wants me like I want him.

But I shouldn't have expected any less than what I got. Silence.

I nod my head and click my tongue, unshed tears blurring my vision. "That's all I needed to know." I hoped it would come out stronger than that but it doesn't. It comes out as a hushed whisper.

His eyes almost look like he's pleading me not to go. But It must be my mind playing tricks on me, making my heartbreak more than it already has. I was determined not to let this happen. But it did. Cole Jones just broke my heartbreak and he didn't even have to say a word.

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