Chapter 8: Downtime

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They returned to the SGC after a few more days with Kwai Chang Caine. An unlikely friendship blossomed between Master Tumok Brugnat and Caine. Caine's mastery of Shaolin Kung Fu surpassed anything the Jedi could achieve with the Force, which Carter found surprising.

This experience reaffirmed Carter's belief that true greatness lies not in material possessions but in the heart. Even with her advanced technology and training, she couldn't break the curse, while a humble priest succeeded. This highlighted the importance of inner strength over outward power.

When they all greeted her at the SGC, they saw something spectacular in her. They also realized she was not out of the woods with the Dark-side. Hothok vowed, "Girlfriend, if that son of a Hutt ever thinks of kidnapping you again or whatever, I promise you I would cure all his ills."

Sam laughed, "Please try to bring a recorder with you. I would love to see it over and over and over."

She laughed too, "And get outright drunk." Hothok paused for a long moment, "you know, I love you."

"I love you too, girl. From the first time I set eyes on you, I knew you were something special."

"It was fun to kick Terrell's ass. He was so much of a pushover. If it weren't for the importance of getting that collar off you, I would have spent more time on him."

Tumok said, "Ever since you didn't kill Telk outright, I have been very proud of you. I knew you had to be on Earth rather than with us. You were a blessing, but I couldn't allow you to be miserable despite how much we wanted you to stay."

They hugged. Shortly after she whispered, "Thank you, Master, for all you have done for me."

He whispered back, "Anytime. I'm thrilled you let go of all that he put you through."

She stopped hugging and looked at him with a smile, "Know what; so am I."

Hothok said, "Listen to me for a moment."

She turned her head and looked at her.

"I don't want to pop any bubbles of yours, but please know as you are celebrating your well-deserved freedom, he is still after you just as much as he was before. I have no damn clue what it could be. Brandon could have dreams again. He can attack any of us to break you once again."

Sam was quiet for a moment then said, "I've been giving that an impressive deal of thought. I even talked to Cain and Ping Hai. Mostly, they agree with me. What they both didn't agree on was the aspect, I shouldn't shield everyone."

Hothok blurted out, "I wouldn't want you to! Sometimes fudo happens to us all. I or Amanda doesn't want to live in a protective bubble, no matter what the dangers could be. By shielding everyone, you could put yourself in the same mess all over again. I won't allow that to happen."

Sam was about to state the same thing before Hothok sternly interrupted her.

"Karabast Sam! I better not catch you even thinking of wanting to keep us out of harm's way. You're one of the most powerful people I have known, but you can't protect us all. Allow us to get a few scratches in life. In all the pain I have had in my life, they have done me better good than harm. I won't allow you to keep us from the fullness of life."

Sam knew she had one of the most stupid ideas in her head, but she shared it anyhow, "If I have all these powers to protect you, it would be wrong not to protect the ones I love."

Skyma was about to beat the shavit out of her. She yelled, "Sithspit! Jinqa ootay ji ercae nie dan tarhan dan ohk?! Gareu talhora toyid ohk circoo toe yeu. Qa nie dan tarhan dan ohk cei vorkino kkateir? «Who in the hell do you think you are?! No one person can be there for everyone. What do you think you are so damn special?» Yes, you protected all the ancient Jedi Knights a very, very long time ago, but if they were against you, then you wouldn't have succeeded. You can't do everything. I rather die than allow you to sacrifice yourself, my sister. You got me? Since you have the memories of us as children... DAMMIT! I never wanted your memories suppressed. You have the right to them. It amazed me you knew we were sisters all this time."

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