No Escape

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"You see, I explained it already, Princess!" Pinkie pie chuckled, her straight hair glistened in the dark.

"Pinkie pie, no matter what you do to us! We still love you!" Twilight pleaded.

"Alright, Twilight if I can't convince you, how about," Pinkie said pausing and pulling a cupcake from behind her back, "So here's a cupcake." she finished, looking her old self besides the strait mane.

Twilight hesitated to take the pastry, but before she could decide Pinkie stuffed it in her mouth.

Twilight was delighted to taste the flaky warm cream and delicately topped with a tan sort of frosting. It tasted minty.

"Hmm this i-" Twilight said before she collapsed to the floor.

Twilight woke up to a dim candle lit room, as she shifted she realized she was cuffed to a wall.

"P-Pinkie?" Twilight moaned.

Where was she?

*sorry that's all for now, tell me what you think, no hate, ~enjoy~*

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