My friends don't like my parties and don't wanna be my friends anymore.

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Pinkie chuckled insanely. The looks on all of her friends faces made it all worth wile. They seemed so scared now. Which pleased her beyond belief.

"Rarity...c'mere..." Pinkie ordered sternly. Rariry clenched her lip and tried not to cry, shuffling forward slowly.

"Silly. You HAVE to be faster than that Rarity, I'd hate to have to use the whip." Pinkie admit. Rarity paused batting her lashes and trying her best not to fall to the floor in tears. Her and Pinkie limped through the closet door, Pinkie shutting the door as routine.

The bunch looked around and ran to Dash's aid. "Are you alright?!" Fluttershy said, starting to bawl. "Nah- Fluttershy don't cry or you're next." Dash sputtered tiredly. "What's she up to?!" Twilight asked Rainbow dash.

"She told meh-e guys. She says it it is bec-ause of her childhood. She wants us to feel the pain too." Dash muttered. The group looked around. How could it be?

They heard the rusty metal door Pinkie and Rarity were behind pound open. They all ran back to their current spots, so she wouldn't know they comforted Rainbow dash.

"Rarity, you did well, but come out now!" Pinkie called from the doorway. She backed out so Rarity could make her way through.

Rarity had a few bruises and her coat was torn and blistered in places. Her hair was astray in all directions and straiter, but she looked better then Rainbow dash.

"Fluttershy your turn!!" Pinkie hollered, in a weak Fluttershy- like mocking tone. Fluttershy started to hyperventilate. The others watched as Pinkie pie dragged her in. Slamming the door behind her. Always twisting the lock on the other side.

Rarity slowly turned her head, her neck popped and her right eye was black and swollen.

"R-Rarity, what's she doing in there?" Applejack flustered slowly. "She's giving us a test, just don't back talk, or fight it." Rarity whispered quietly.

Just then the closet opened again, the hinges squeaked loudly.

Pinkie walked out, looking the same.

"Shy. We don't have all day come on out!!" Pinkie said poking her head into the closet to speak to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy came out extremely slow. Her wings were out and a few of them were bent forwards or backwards uncomfortably. She stretched them. "Flex your wings on your own time!!" Pinkie instructed Fluttershy.

Fluttershy barely had a scratch on her... she just had a circular scar around her cutie mark. Her flank was red also. Hair messy.

"Well done Shy, you get your carrots tonight!!" Pinkie said nodding. "Strive to do as well as Fluttershy." Pinkie added looking around the room at the ponies and the dragon.

The storm bolted outside. Blue light from the thunder and lightning flashed a glare through the window. Drops of rain pounding harder and harder on the window.

"Applejack...would you lead the way?" Pinkie asked sarcastically. Applejack tipped her hat to her forehead so her eyes weren't clearly seen. "Answer me?" Pinkie asked frustratedly. "Er yes ma'am." A.J. answered quickly. The two hooved through the bolted door. Silently.

They could hear muffled speech.

Fluttershy didn't blink. She did so so she would break even one tear. "Twilight I think you're next.." Rainbow dash and Spike said at once.

Twilight gulped, her friends were suffering, Pinkie pie was a good pony, she had to persuade Pinkie to let them go before it got gruesome.

Not too much later Pinkie stepped out of the doorway, allowing A.J. to walk out and sit on her bed. Applejack had no hat to be seen. Her face was sticky and bright red. Her body had a few whip marks on it. Also her underbelly had black and blue bruises on it. Hair askew.

"Spike it's you're turn now, come, come!!" Pinkie ushered towards Spike. Who sat in front of the window listening to the storm.

Reluctantly he got up and waddled into Pinkie's closet. She slammed the cold door shut. Leaving the others in silence.

At once Twilight quickly and quietly got up and crept to the door, trying to open it, it didn't budge. The others tried not to tear up.

No use.

Pinkie opened the door to see the pained group sitting around her sugar themed room.

"Spike c'mon already." Pinkie hoot. Spike limped out of the closet. He had a red eye, it bled. Also a few bruises.

"You get carrots too Spike." Spike nod carefully.

Twilight wanted to help him. But she couldn't. She'd get hurt. Worse than all of them for that.

"Princess, Twilight Sparkle. Let us go." Pinkie pie said proudly. Twilight slowly counted her steps to the door. Twenty-four.

She walked in. It was at first sight, a small dense hallway. It smelt like peppermint. "Walk forward Twilight." Pinkie pie said acting like she was teaching a foal how to chew her food.

"Pinkie?" Twilight stuttered. Her stomach churned, and she could hear her heartbeat pound through her ears.

She flinched down a bit for a reaction.

"WHAT?" Pinkie asked loudly and calmly. "Do you mind if I ask you why you're doing this to us-your friends?" Twilight asked confidently.

Pinkie stopped ahead of Twilight, blocking her path down the hall.

She glared madly.

"You guys don't understand Twilight. You guys NEVER suffered as fillies. Just me, I dread my fillyhood. So if you guys had a fine fillyhood then I'm going to make your adult lives as worse as my fillyhood for a while." Pinkie replied.

"So. Only one of us...lives?" Twilight bit down. "I'm not sure yet. I have to test your worthiness of never speaking of this ever again."

"If not you're. You're. Killing is?"

Twilight mumbled.

"For a mare who reads frequently, you sure do ask a lot of questions," Pinkie pie said she was calmer then she was out there. "I DON'T know yet Twilight, okay?!" Pinkie asked. Twilight was almost certain Pinkie wouldn't kill them. Then again she thought Pinkie wouldn't hold then hostage either.

They then continued walking, the hallway ended. They were in a huge tin-like room. It was medium in size.

Pinkie walked to the corner of the room and grabbed a duffel bag with her teeth. She dragged it to the middle of the room. There it lay. "W-what's that?" Twilight asked urgently.

"Lay down now." Pinkie instructed persistently. Twilight nodded fast and squat to the tin floor. The metal the floor was made of was so thin it bounced up and down. Twilight squeezed her eyes shut, too afraid to feel the pain -and- see it.

She could hear Pinkie pie shuffling through the duffel bag. "Perfect.." Pinkie mumbled.

^What happens next?^

*no hate, tell me what you think an as always...~enjoy~*

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