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Hi. My name is Abby. But a lot of you call me Girly. I thought I would write a little thing.. God this feels weird! But I want to do this.

WARNING: THIS IS SAD. You've been warned.


Taylor's POV

My arms felt weak as I slowly walked out of the house. It was the first day of school and I would be starting at a new school. Grade nine. I glanced down at my outfit, jeans and a blue hoodie. I had just re-dyed my hair last weekend, thanks to Ashley. My blue hair would probably stand out, but I didn't care. I smiled as Katie walked over to me. "Hey blueberry! How are you?" She asked me. I giggled softly and smiled, Katie looking beautiful as always. Her black hair pulled back in a ponytail. "I'm good. A bit nervous. You?" She nodded and sighed. "Same. I'm so fucking nervous!" We walked down the sidewalk, making small conversation as we walked. I grinned as I saw Lilli across the street, staring down at her phone. "LILLI-BOO!" I yelled from across the street. She looked up from her phone, her blonde hair looking perfect. She smiled and ran across the street, not even looking both ways. "That was totally safe." Katie said sarcastically. Lilli laughed and grinned. "I know right." We kept walking down the sidewalk, talking more now that Lilli was here. "Where is she?" Lilli asked impatiently. We were waiting for Jen. "Who knows?" I asked with a shrug. Jen soon ran over to us, panting slightly. "Sorry! My mom wouldn't stop talking!" She said with a giggle. "Of course. Your mom never stops talking." Katie teased as we started walking again. Jen rolled her eyes and pushed her over playfully. "And now we just need the guys." Dani was getting a ride to school today, sadly. I didn't see her all summer. We then heard a scream and saw Mark run out from nowhere. "What the hell, Mark?!" Lilli said with a giggle. Mark ran his hands through his blonde hair. "Oh hi." He said with a smile. I rolled my eyes and laughed softly. James soon came running over to us. "Hello ladies." He said with a grin, fixing his black hair with his hands. His hair looked great so I don't know what he was fixing. Before any of us could say anything, Jawn came running over. "Hey." He said with a smile. "What is happening? And where is Alex?" Katie asked with a grin. As if by magic, Alex came running over. "Oh no." Mark said and hid behind Lilli, even though he was taller then her. "Hey loser." I said with a smile. "Hey smurf." He said with a grin. "Shut up!" I said and stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed and smiled at us. I noticed how awkward Katie looked. Alex and Katie had broken up during the summer but are staying friends. I moved closer to Katie, smiling warmly at her. She smiled back and sighed. "Shall we head to school?" Alex said with a smile. We all nodded and kept walking, it only being a block away now. "This should be.. Fun." James said and groaned. "New teachers. Yay." Jen said sarcastically. "But also new kids. New losers." Mark pointed out. "We're the new kids, Mark. We're the new losers." Katie said and rolled her eyes. "Well, true." He said with a sigh. We all walked up to the school. "Wow. It's huge." Lilli said softly. "That's what she said." I said with a wink. "TAYLOR NO!" She yelled and pushed me over. I laughed and grinned. "I saw my chance and I took it!" She rolled her eyes and we walked into the school. As soon as I walked inside, a teacher told us to go into the gym. "It's that way." She said and pointed towards a hallway. "Thanks." Alex said and we walked down the hallway. We soon found our way to the gym and walked inside it. There were kids everywhere, all of them looking nervous. "See? New losers!" Mark said with a grin as we walked over to an empty table. "Oh shut up." Jawn said with a chuckle. A few of us sat down but I stayed standing and talked for a bit. I glanced around, trying to see the pink haired cutie. But she was no where in sight. I frowned slightly and kept talking to them. "Don't worry, she'll show up soon." Katie said softly, obviously seeing that I wanted to see her. "I know." I muttered and sighed softly. After a few more minutes, I heard a familiar voice. "Taylor?" I quickly turned around, smiling widely. My mouth quickly dropped open when I saw her. She didn't have pink hair anymore. And it wasn't long. Her hair was cut short, but it still looked cute, and her hair was pure black. "Your hair.." I said quietly. She nodded slowly. "I wanted a new look. And well.." I grinned and hugged her tightly. She was taken aback but hugged back just as tight. "You look beautiful." I whispered to her. She smiled softly. "Thank you. So do you." She whispered back. We stayed hugging there for a while before pulling away. I stared at her and smiled widely, kissing her cheek. "I missed you." She whispered to me. "I missed you too." I whispered back. "God, get a room!" Alex said with a grin. I turned around and glared playfully at him. "We haven't seen each other all summer." I said to him. I looked back at Dani, who was smiling like an idiot. A cute idiot. We both sat down at the table and we all talked. Soon we were interrupted though. "Ladies and gentlemen! May I please have your attention!" It was the principal, I'm guessing. He started talking about how he knows what we're going through and blah blah blah. I wasn't really listening. "And now I will be giving you the name of your home room teacher. They will give you your schedule in class." He said and started saying the names of who was in what home room and who the teacher was. So far, Lilli and Mark were together, Jen, and Katie and Jawn were together. He was saying when I heard him say something I wasn't hoping would happen. "-Alexander Moin, Jessi Moit, Danielle Nano-" I froze and was silent. I would be in a home room alone. None of my friends. Great. After he finished naming the students, he told us to go to our teacher. I stood up and grabbed my bags. "Bye guys." I mumbled and slowly walked towards the teacher. I heard footsteps walk after me and I was turned around. I was confused for a moment before a pair of lips were on mine. I smiled and kissed back before pulling away. "Have fun!" Dani said before running after Alex. I smiled more and walked over to my teacher. "Hello everyone! I am Mrs. Rose! I hope we have a great year together." The teacher said as we walked out of the room. "Ugh. Great, one of these type of teachers." A guy in front of me said. "No kidding." A girl said to him. I felt so left out, everyone talking and I was alone. We walked into the classroom and I quickly picked the seat closet to the door. Everyone else sat down, all next to there friends. A guy sat down next to me, he was alone. Just like me. I smiled slightly and the teacher told us to try and get to know each other. I turned to look at the guy next to me. "Hello." I said with a smile. He looked at me and smiled slightly. "Hey." Silence. Fantastic. "My name is Taylor." I said, breaking the silence. "I'm Tyler." His name was Tyler. Tyler. The same name of the guy who hurt my mom. And the same name of my granddad that is dead. I felt tears well up in my eyes but I pushed them away. "Are you okay?" He asked me softly. "Yeah. It's just.." I closed my eyes and sighed, my breath being shaky. "It's nothing. Don't worry." He nodded and started talking to the guy sitting next to him. He probably thinks I'm crazy. "Hello." A voice said, which snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw a girl. She smiled at me and sat down in the seat in front of me. "My name's Lindsay." She had red hair and brown eyes. I smiled softly. "My name's Taylor." I said to her. "I love your name! My name is so boring. But Taylor.. It's so cool!" Lindsay said with a wide smile. I could already tell she was the type of girl who wanted to always be happy. "Really? I've always hated it.." She shook her head. "It's so cute! So, what school did you come from?" We started talking for a while. "You're adopted? Wow." She said quietly. "What.. What happened to your parents? And I mean your real ones." I stopped breathing for a moment. No one has ever asked me that. Not even Max. "If you don't mind me asking." She added quickly. "No, it's fine." I said and took a deep breath. "My mom passed away when I was nine. I never really knew why, my dad wouldn't tell me because I was too young. He knew he couldn't handle me. So, he told me 'Hey Taylor! We're going on a fun ride!' So we got into his truck and he drove me to the airport." I said slowly, feeling tears well up in my eyes again. "We got onto a plane, no clothes or nothing packed and we flew to L.A, aka where we are now. He then brought me to an orphanage. He left me by the door and said 'Don't move. Stay here.' And he knocked on the door before running away. The women took me in, even though I hated her. She took me in. I still don't know where my dad is today." I said, my voice becoming quieter and quieter with each word. Tears were now rolling down my cheeks. "Oh my god." Lindsay said quietly. I shook my head and sniffed. "I shouldn't of told you." I whispered, more tears rolling down my cheeks. Lindsay said nothing, just stared at me. "I hope everyone got to kno-" Mrs. Rose started to say but stopped when she looked over at us. She saw me crying. People looked over and I quickly looked at the ground. "Are you okay?" She asked and quickly walked over to us. I shook my head and stood up. It was all coming to me. Ty, Tyler, my parents.. I quickly put on my bag again and turned towards the door. "Taylor?" Lindsay asked quietly. "I just need some time alone." I mumbled and ran out of the room. I quickly ran down the hallways, getting weird looks from a few students walking down the halls. I saw a class getting a tour of the school and I ran right past them. A lot turned to look at me. I quickly looked around for the door but I realized I was lost. I had no idea where to go. I sniffed and closed my eyes tightly for a moment. I opened them again and slowly walked around. I was still on the first floor so I knew I could find it easily. Hopefully. I walked around for a bit before finding the office. I walked inside and quickly signed myself out. At least I think it was what I was doing. I walked back out of the office and towards the exit. I grabbed my phone and quickly texted Dani. 'Going home, won't be there for lunch. Tell the others' I hit send and walked out of the building. I began to walk down the sidewalk, staring down at my phone. I quickly texted Max. 'I'm coming home.' I sighed weakly and looked up, tears still rolling down my cheeks. My phone beeped and I looked down, Max had texted me back. 'Okay. But why?' I quickly texted back. 'I'll tell you when I get there.' I put my phone away and walked down the sidewalk, the only noise coming from me being small sobs and sniffs. I saw my house and smiled weakly, walking even faster towards it. I walked up to the front door and opened it, quickly shutting it behind me. "Taylor? Is that you?" Max called. "Yes." I called back and quickly took off my shoes and threw my bag onto the ground. Max walked out of the kitchen and smiled. Her smile soon faded when she saw me crying. She ran up to me and engulfed me in a hug. I hugged back and sobbed quietly. "Shh.. Let it all out.." She whispered quietly and held me close. We stood like this for a while before she pulled away and stared at me. She pushed my bangs out of my face. "What happened?" She asked me softly. "Can we go into the kitchen?" I asked her quietly. She nodded and we walked into the kitchen. I sat across from her and sighed weakly. I told her about Dani and how cute she looked and about how I was alone in my home room. "So the teacher told us to talk to people and I started talking to this guy next to me. His name was Tyler which made me feel bad." I mumbled quietly, Max nodding slowly. "And then I started talking to this girl named Lindsay. Everything was going well until I told her I was adopted. Then she asked about what happened to my parents and I just.." I started crying more. Max handed me a tissue. "What did happen to your parents?" She asked quietly. I quickly told her exactly what I told Lindsay. "Taylor I'm so sorry." Max said softly and stood up. "Come on, you are going straight to bed. You need rest." I nodded slowly and stood up. She motioned me to follow her and we walked out of the kitchen. "Mind if I explain what happened to the others?" She asked me quietly. I nodded slowly and we walked into the lounge. Ally, Ashley and Adam were sitting there watching TV. "Hey guys.." I mumbled quietly. Ashley looked back at me. "Taylor? What's wrong?" Ally and Adam both looked back at me. "Max will tell you. I'm going to sleep." I mumbled and walked upstairs. I walked towards my room when I heard laughter. I smiled slightly, hearing Mitch and Jerome recording together. I walked into my bedroom and flopped down onto the bed. I sobbed quietly and hid my face under a pillow. I wasn't even tired. I laid in my bed for so long that I heard Jerome and Mitch stop recording and walking downstairs. There was a lot of talking coming from downstairs, it all being about me. There was a knock on my door. "Taylor? You awake?" Ashley'a voice said quietly. "Yes." I mumbled softly. "Do you mind coming downstairs?" She asked softly. "I don't really want too right now.." I muttered quietly and sighed. "May I come in?" She asked me. "Yes." The door opened and Ashley quietly walked inside. She shut the door behind her and sat down on the edge of my bed. "Taylor, I know what happened today and I would've done the same thing." I smiled slightly and sat up. "Really?" She nodded and sighed. "What was your dad's name?" She asked me quietly. "His name was Hunter." I said, my voice a bit shaky. "What was your mom's name?" She asked and stared at me. "Rebecca. She.. She was beautiful." I mumbled and stared back at Ashley. "Or at least, what I remember her looking like. She had beautiful brown hair and a warm smile. I could tell her anything." Ashley nodded softly and put a hand on my shoulder. "Thank you for telling me this." She said and bit her lip slightly. "Now I feel like I should tell you a story.." She took a deep breath. "In ninth grade, I went to school wearing a dress. Doesn't sound that bad? The dress was neon pink and I wore black fishnet leggings underneath. I wore rainbow hair clips and really badly down makeup. I also wore green shoes. I was a mess." I smiled softly and giggled slightly. "Oh my god, Ashley!" She blushed a bit and sighed. "It was so embarrassing!" I laughed softly and smiled, sniffing softly. "I can tell." Ashley stood up and smiled. "I'm going to go back downstairs. Get some sleep." She said and opened the door. "And hey, I'll kill you with tickles if you tell anyone about grade nine." She said with a grin and shut the door as she walked out of the room. I laughed softly and laid down. I closed my eyes and sighed softly. "I'm so glad they're my family." I mumbled and yawned slightly. I slowly fell asleep, a smile on my face.

My parents are Youtubers?! (Sequel to I Was Adopted by.. who?!)Where stories live. Discover now