Forever and Ever?....

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Skylar's P.O.V~

"Cole, let go of my hand I need to go home." I tugged harder, but he only tightened his grip. I swear its like a grip of iron. It hurts a lot.

"I'll go home with you. We could cuddle." Sounds good but I'm not giving in.

That probably won't last long though.

"No Cole, I have to get home. Can you let go?" I'm getting frustrated because this is the hundredth time I've asked that stupid question.

"Not until you let me go home with you."now he's acting like a child.

"No. Just text me later if your that desperate for attention." He pouted like a baby.

"Pretty please Sky? I want to hang out with you more." He made a puppy dog face and pouted his lip.

I'm a sucker for that cute face. I just can't take it.

'No Skylar you can't give in. Just ignore it.' I told myself.

Cole kept starring at me, begging like a puppy that wants food.

"Uggh fine then! But you better not annoy me." I'm so weak. He became happy in a second and started jumping up and down. I walked away from him and started my way home.

He caught up fast and we made our way home. He intertwined our fingers again, and this time it wasn't to annoy me. It felt like it was an instinct. We held hands when we were dating, but I forgot the feeling of his strong hands.

This all made me ask myself a question...

Are we together again?

*Skylar's house*

The entire time Cole was over we never did anything. We went to my room and cuddled the entire time. I think he was planning that. Well if he did then good because I liked laying down with him. I felt complete. We were laying down with my back facing him and his arms around me.

"Skylar?" Cole asked.


"Do you still love me? Even though I was annoying." I slightly laughed. He was annoying, but not even that could make me stop loving him. He always finds a way back into my life.

"Cole, no matter what you do or say to me I will always love you with all my heart. I don't care who gets in the way of that. Nothing will change my feelings for you." I spoke sincerely.

"I feel the same way. Then we shouldn't let Gabe get in the way of us. I don't care what he does or threatens to us anymore. I love you and thats it." I smiled. We do love each other.

So why are we letting that guy ruin it? Love is someting powerful, you can't destroy it no matter how hard you try. This is how I feel with Cole. No one can ruin or break that love me and him have.

Not now.

Not ever.

"I love you too." I turned around in his arms and kissed him gently on the lips. He pulled me closer to him like I would disappear any moment.

When we pulled apart, we both layed there in a peaceful silence.

"Are we together again or..." I trailed off thinking if he said no we aren't together, I would be crushed. I can't lose him. Again.

"Yes were together. Theres no one else I would rather be with except you. You my one and only."

Another peaceful silence filled my room. I like it when its silent like this. Its so relaxing.

"Forever and ever?" Cole asked.

I smiled widely. "Forever and ever."

*10:25/late night texting*

Cole: What are you doing babe?

Me: Laying in bed.

Cole: Mmm...just laying in bed? Nothing else...?

I laughed. He's so hormonal.


Me:I'm eating cereal.

Cole: haha nice.

Cole: What would you do if I was in bed next to you? ;)

'Why not act dumb for once.' I thought.

Me:I would eat my cereal.

Cole: Haha I mean if the cereal wasn't there.

Me: Then I'd get out of bed and go get cereal.

Cole: What if cereal never existed? What would you do with me laying next to you then?

Me: I would create cereal and then kick you out.

Cole: Your such a mood killer :(

Me: You'll live Cole. We have to sleep. See you tomorrow bye love you.

Cole: I won't. Bye love you too babe.

I turned my phone off and fell asleep.

Things are looking better now.


Theres this update!!!!! Hope you liked it!!!!!! Bye

Tangled Up In Love - A cole pendery fanfic (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now