Fun on a Saturday Night - Part 2

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Skylar's P.O.V

Dana and Julie were in the kitchen talking and kissing, when I then decided that playing 'spin the bottle' got a little boring so I spoke up and said....

"Everybody let's play Truth or Dare!" everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me happily.

"That's sound like so much fun!" Ashley got up and jumped up and down excitedly.

"Okay," everyone said and stopped playing 'spin the bottle' and sat on the couch. We all sat with our boyfriends or girlfriends, but the only single here was Will....that won't be long. Well all I know is that in a couple of day's my plan to get Will a hot girlfriend, might just work.

"Dana and Julie stop swallowing each other and get your butts over here to play Truth or Dare!" I yelled from the living room so that they could hear me in the kitchen, where they were having a make out session.

"Okay." Julie said walking in the living room while holding Dana's hand and then sitting down. They are so cute together and short, but that's why there so cute.

"Okay I'm going first." I said quickly so that no one else can go first.

"Okay Will, Truth or Dare?" I asked Will with a evil smile.

"Uhm...I'm gonna say truth." he said nervously smiling.

"Okay Will, have you ever made out with a guy before?" I said kind of disappointed that he picked truth I wanted to give him a great dare.

"What! Eww no! Never!" he said with the kind of like 'why would you even ask that question' look on his face.

"Hahaha okay someone ask me." I said eager to get a good dare. I always choose dare because I'll do almost anything.

"Okay I'll ask you next," Julie said and I nodded. "Skylar, Truth or Dare?" she asked with an evil smile, like the one I had but more evil. I'm scared.

"Uhm.... Dare." I said with a slightly scared voice.

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