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"We need to have complete certainty that things will work out, not because we are righteous or wise, but because of the time, the effort, the prayers, and the tools we are using. From the moment we are given awareness about some bigger picture or mission, we have to have complete focus on what to do to get to that place"



Wuraren qarfe daya na dare tana kwance kan gado yayinda ta kasa bacci.

Babu abinda take tunowa illa encounter dinta da shi wanda a karon farko ta kwashi mari sannan a na biyu kuma ya kusan hawa kanta da mota.

Abinda ya fi bata mamaki shine yadda he didn’t even react, he simply ignored and left her there as if nothing happened.

Gani nayi ta juyo ta fuskanci Fadeela wadda tayi nisa a bacci. Ajiyar zuciya ta saki sannan ta zame duvet din da suka rufa ta sauka daga kan gadon.

Komawa tayi kan resting chair ta kwanta tare da rufe idanuwan ta.

“I still dont think he is a bad person.. I am sure he is not a bad guy, he might just be an Introvert with a good heart”

Bude idanuwan ta tayi tare da tashi zaune tace “I need to get him out of his head, its not going to be easy but I am going to do it In sha Allah”

Miqewa tayi tsaye tace “why are my even doing this? Why do i care??”

Ni da nake kallonta nace ke zaki fadi mana dalili!


A yau da safe suna zaune a dinning room suna breakfast ne Zehra ta kalli Mummy tace “wai Mummy meyasa Ya Musty baya shigowa yin breakfast with the rest of us??”

Fadeela wadda ta miqe don tafiya ofis ce ta fashe da dariya tace “a ta ina zai fara shigowa nan yin breakfast?? Dama dai Ya Moha yana nan da ya shigo, shi ma sai bayan mun gama mun tashi sannan. Ni kam na tafi I am late sai na dawo”

“take care Dee”

"thanks love, you take care too"

Mummy ce tace “kar ki manta ki karbo mun saqo na wurin Hajiya Umaima idan kina dawowa”

“In sha Allah Mummy”

Bayan Fadeela ta tafi ne Zehra ta kalli Mummy tace “amma Mummy halin Ya Musty baya damun ki?? As in don’t you feel bad about how he lives his life in isolation?”

Mummy ta girgiza kai tare da yin murmushi tace “toh ya zan yi Zehra, he has always been like this tun yana yaro. Da farko mun damu da hakan, har asibiti an kai shi a duba qwalwar shi idan akwai matsala amma the response was that he is perfectly fine, I guess halitta ce haka Allah yayi shi”

Zehra ta dan yi murmushi tace “Mummy if you will help me I want to try something”

Cike da mamaki Mummy tace “really?? What is it?? tell me”

“I want to see if I can change him a bit”

Mummy tana dariya tace “ki fita batun wannan miskilin yaron Zehra, babu abinda hakan zai janyo miki banda bacin rai. Kin dai ga abinda yayi miki daga haduwar ku ta farko...”

“that was my fault mummy, I still owe him an apology, please just help me lets see if we can change him even if it’s a bit”

“I will be more than glad to see him change my dear, Anything you need”

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