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"when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close"

- Pablo Neruda



Zaune yake a cikin motar shi a tsakar gidan yayinda yake Magana da ita a waya.

"My Angel kwalliyar ta isa haka nan mana, I have spent almost thirty minutes waiting for you fa. Kin dai san ko ya kika fito you will always remain the most beautiful ko??"

"Baby yau ne fa first outing dinmu, I need to look my best so be patient, nan da fifteen minutes zan fito"


Tana dariya tace "sorry my Baby, just keep thinking about me and before you know it minti sha biyar will feel like minti biyu"

Murmushi yayi yace "toh ya zanyi da ke tunda dai zuciya ta nace sai ke ai dole inyi haquri.."

Sossai kalaman Mustapha suke rikita Zehra.

Cike da farin ciki tace "I swear I love you"

Yana murmushi yace "toh hurry up"


Yana nan zaune ne ya hangota ta fito.

Sanye take cikin wata doguwar riga ta atamfar Super wax riqe da hand bag dinta na Gucci. Qafafuwan ta sanye cikin flat shoe na Vincci yayinda ta yafa wani qaramin gyale baqi.

Sossai tayi kyau.

Mustapha dai tunda ya sa mata idanuwa ya kasa daukewa.... Babu abinda yake yi sai admiring beauty dinta!

"Ya salaam, she will be the death of me, I swear I cannot imagine life without her.." na ji ya fada yayinda hankalin shi yayi nisa.

Bai ankara ba ya ji tayi snapping fingers dinta a saitin fuskar shi... Wata nauyayyar ajiyar zuciya ya saki tare da kallon ta.

Fashewa tayi da dariya tace "Baby me kake tunani haka da har na shigo baka sani ba?"

Hararar ta yayi yace "me kika ce inyi??"

Tana dariya tace "toh ai I never asked you to get lost while thinking about me.."

Starting mota yayi yace "I can't help it, you are looking extremely beautiful My angel"

Tana kallon shi cike da so tace "and you look handsome. Ka san cewa I always see you in white?? you look different today"

A yau kuwa Mustapha navy blue kaftan ya sa na wani tsadadden yadi, hular kanshi kuwa kamar don yadin kawai aka yi ta... Sossai yayi kyau.

Murmushi yayi yace "thank you My Angel"

A lokacin da suka bar gidan ne yace "ina zamu je??"

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