Horrible People

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I woke up the next morning in my bed with a sticky note attached to my forehead. I scoffed and rolled my eyes as I pulled it from my head and read it.


Meet me downstairs. :D


I read as a smile played on my lips. I quickly took a shower and got dressed.

I walked downstairs to see Peter getting frisked by a woman who looked exactly like me in a tight black dress that exposed her breast and her thigh

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I walked downstairs to see Peter getting frisked by a woman who looked exactly like me in a tight black dress that exposed her breast and her thigh.

I walked downstairs to see Peter getting frisked by a woman who looked exactly like me in a tight black dress that exposed her breast and her thigh

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My hair flamed as my jealousy burned, I made a ball of fire and ice in my hand and chucked it at her.
"Back off my boyfriend, bitch." I growled as she skidded across the floor.
"Bella? But? What?" Peter asked as she got up.
"If you honestly thought that was me, we need to have a serious talk about what you think I'd wear in public." I glared as she started to cackle.
"Mommy is looking for you, darling. So come what my dear. HYDRA is awaiting your arrival, dear princess." She grinned as the color in her skin, eyes, and hair drained.
"Princess?" Peter asked.
"Your arrival? What the hell did she mean, Bella?!" Tony asked.
"I can't." I choked.
"You can't what? Tell us what's going on? What?!" Tony yelled getting angry.
"Stop! Don't yell at my darling little girl, she just doesn't know how to tell anyone that I've been in her head since we've last seen each other. She's been slowly going insane with all the nightmares and horrible things she'd seen. Try to take it a little easier on her, I thought she would have snapped by now. Rewatching her brothers and father die in her arms over and over again." Donna grinned evily.
"Leave her alone!" Tony yelled at her.
"Da-" I started.
"Oh? Did you just call him 'dad'?" She smirked.
"No! Don't, please... I beg you." I started to cry as she put a flashback, of dad dying on loop, in my mind.
"STOP!" I screamed as it kept getting more and more vivid and louder as it played on, and on, and on, and on. I gripped my hair as Tony and Peter wrapped their arms around me.
"Nah, this is way too much fun. You know none of those people are dead? They were all just holograms." She laughed wickedly as my brothers walked in.
"Are you serious!?" I screamed as I got up and lit my whole body on fire. The flames could never hurt Peter or Tony, but as I get angrier the flames shoot higher and turn blue. A blue flame is the hottest part of the fire.
"You abandoned me! You left me alone! Do you have any idea how much pain you put me through!?" I screamed as red clouded my vision.
"We made you stronger." Richard laughed.
"Stronger my ass! What is so wrong with being a girl!?" I screamed as my dad came in. "I TRUSTED YOU WITH EVERYTHING, YOU ASS!" I raged as I stalked closer to them.
"You won't hurt us. We're your family." Donna smirked.
"You want to bet? Family wouldn't abandon each other. They are my family, you are random people who I've never met in my life." I said calmly as they started to back away.
"Burn him." Donna smirked as she pushed my twin towards me. My anger got the best of me and I punched him in the nose, not burning him.
"I said burn him!" She yelled as I lit my fist on fire again.
"To cowardly to offer yourself up?" I hissed.
"Fine, burn me. Prove you're not weak! Prove to me that you've truly walked away from this family!" She bellowed as  my rage took over. I pulled her shirt towards me as I burn her slightly making her wince before I whispered in her ear.
"My powers weren't made to hurt them, just bad guys, and at the moment, I'm seeing red. One word of advice, run." I whispered deadly calm as they ran.
"Bella?" Tony asked softly.
"What?!" I snapped as tears flooded down my face.
"Are you ok?" Peter asked.
"I'm fine!" I exclaimed as I broke down and my flame went out. "What did I do so wrong!?" I sobbed as Peter wrapped me up in his arms.
"You didn't do anything wrong, they just can't see something wonderful even if it hit them right in the face." Peter soothed as he held me in his arms rocking me gently back and forth trying to calm my boby shaking sobs before Tony told him to take me to my room.
"Please stay, I don't want to be alone tonight." I choked as he slipped underneath the covers next to me and held me close throughout the night as I fell asleep to the sound of his steady and strong heartbeat in his chest.

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