My task - day one

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So today I'm giving yourself a simple task. It won't be an everyday thing, but at least I'm gonna do this once for a month. Let's go! 

Write about feelings! It can't be about your feelings, just try to do it as perfect as is possible. 

I was so sad. I thought many knives were hurting me when I clued in it. I had nightmares in which I was killing yourself and decimated everything around me. Once I was standing on the bridge when I told me: ,,Can I do this? Can I... die?''
I really wanted to jump, to stop every pain that was going in full of my body. When I was trying to be happy, stop my tears and enjoy my life again, another pain came. It was as catch 22, it was possible to get out. I thought I never will be happy again. It lasted many years then I came through all of the bad things and started to live happily again. I'm finally happy now. 

Buddies, please! 
I need your help! 
How I wrote it? 
Any faults, opinions? 
Please, tell me!
I want to do it better and better! 

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