My task - 2

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I was as happy as never before. I finally did something, what I ever wanted to do and what was my biggest dream. It was not easy and I have given everything for it. There were times when I want to stop it, jump to bed and just give up. I was thinking it is impossible and I can not do it. People around me were laughing and pointing on me. They told me that I'm just nothing and that what I want to do is bosh. It was hard for me when they were trying to abort my goal. I really thought this is the end and I can not do more, but then... I found that it doesn't matter what people think. People were and people will be evil. I can not stop it, you can not, nobody can! You must learn how to go on and ignore the people around you. Firstly they will laugh, then they will try to stop you and at the end of your way, they will be jealous and try to be you. It sounds funny, but it is not a joke, it is a truth! I'm feeling like someone, who has a happy life now and it is because I did not give up. I was going to my goal and I did it. I did it, you can too! Just turn yourself into a person you ever wanted to be, you absolutely can! 

What do you think? 
Yeah, I konw.. nobody won't ever write some reaction to me, but.. I'm gonna on and on, I must because I want to improve my English, so... 
Have a nice day, imagine friends. 

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