Teachers and their learning

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I've just decided to write something. How you could see, I was quiet for a while. I didn't know what to write but I think I've got one idea. 

Buddies from all countries.. 
Have you ever feeling your teachers are just so dumb? I know I should not say that, but look.. 
My teacher is used to saying everything without any trying to say it in English.. I don't know how to explain it. She speaks in this language, but she does not care at all about something like ''pronunciation''. She gives us tests when we have to write what she says, but she does not say it correctly. She says a word but with pronunciation for another one. Did you get it? I was trying to explain it to her, but she does not even care. She does what she wants. 

The next thing I really hate. Can anybody tell me how is even possible to read th sound as S? Just why? When you want to say a thing, why would you say sing? Where's the difference between those words then? That's absolutely CRAZY! 

I know I do mistakes too.. But why I have a feeling I speak moooooooore correctly than every teacher in our school? Where's their try to say something correctly? 

They try to learn us just grammar.. But why? Pronunciation is also so important! You can correct your grammar mistakes, but what about pronunciation? That's harder, huh? 
I remember me having big trouble with trying to correct MY pronunciation. Of course, I still have trouble with it but I've really improved that. The worst was th sound. I used to say D and it was really hard trying to correct that mistake.. Now I've been learnt about R. That's another big trouble for me, because I used to say it in American English, but how you know, I want to speak British English. It is a big difference between Czech and UK, really! Our R is sooooo tough! :D But I try my best because you must face it when you want it.. and I do. 


Have a great daaaaaaaaaay!
(I hope I didn't do many mistakes today, haha)

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