American vs. British

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I'm sorry buddies for inactivity (even if this nobody really reads :DDD) 

Okay, how to begin.. 
First of all, I'm sorry if you read this. (Yes you're right, of course I'm saying this because of my marvellous English) 

Well, I think I should start. 


yes, that's it. 

That's everything I wanted to tell you. 

Okay, this is so odd, just stop! 
But yeah, I really love the British accent. :D  
But not everybody does. I have that feeling people think the British account is weird. I can't tell how many times I saw memes about watching films with British dabbing. I JUST DON'T GET IT OH MY GOD GUYS THIS ACCENT IS SO MARVELLOUS HOW CAN'T YOU SEE IT. Yes, you're right I have to calm down. It's quite weird, just what? I think that the British Account is more relaxing.. how can I explain? When I try to sound American, my tongue gets knotty. Don't know why, but the British accent is just more comfortable.. wait, buddies.. is it more comfortable to me or for me? OH NO, I HATE THIS! 

Just want to let you know, I'm not saying I don't like the American accent. I really love but I'm saying the British one is better TO or FOR me (Can anybody explain if is it to or for and why?) and I don't get why people hate the British one. Did I say I love the British accent? 

If you're asking, my classmates don't speak either. XDDD (I'm not sure if I did some mistake here, but.. I'm going on :d) THEY SPEAK CZECHENGLISH.  

yes, that exists. 

You should listen to it, so interesting! 

I wouldn't write this if they try to speak English. But they don't, so..

This whole chapter is a cringe, I'm sorry. How I said, I love either countries and either accent, just saying my opinion. I didn't know what to write, so.. this is the result. I'm sorry my imagine readers. :-) You just must hope I will write something wiser next time. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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