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Luke looks up from the papers spread across my bed - old assignments of mine I gave to him so he could continue to learn a little even when his mom can't afford to pay for his education. He frowns as I take a seat on the bed beside him and wrap my arms around his waist, resting my head on his shoulder. "Everything okay?" he murmurs, stroking my hair.

"Tyler kept asking me questions about Ashton and I-I can't lie to him, Luke." I turn to bury my face in his neck, squeezing my eyes shut to keep the tears gathering in my eyes from falling. "I don't know how long I can keep this up. And it'll be so much more difficult when he actually meets Ashton. God, I haven't even seen him since I ran out of his apartment."

I feel Luke stiffen against me. "You-you two didn't do anything, did you?" He sounds nervous, jealousy and bitterness warring inside of him.

I pull back to look at him in the eyes. His blue gaze stares back at me, so open and vulnerable that it makes my heart ache. "No," I admit and he relaxes ever so slightly. "We kissed, but it wasn't anything like... Like what we have," I finish, blushing furiously. "I didn't do more than a quick kiss because I didn't want to."

"But I'm different?" Luke pulls me onto his lap, a slight smile curving his soft lips.

"Yes," I breathe, my mind a bit of a muddled mess. Forcing myself to focus, I ask, "Luke, what are we?"

He trails a finger lazily up the side of my leg, moving up my thigh to trace the curve of my hip and I bite back a small moan. He grins as if he knows exactly what he's doing to me. "I want you to be mine, Izzy," he mumbles as he presses his lips to my neck. Kissing a line down to my collarbone, he continues. "I want to wake up beside you." I shiver as his mouth travels across my collarbone, his hands pulling aside the top of my shirt to kiss my shoulder. "I want to kiss you and not worry about someone seeing us." He brings his lips back up to my face, kissing the corner of my mouth to tease me. "I want you to be my girlfriend. I know I haven't had many of those, I know I have a screwed up past, but I want to be different. You make me want to be different."

"I want that too," I whisper as I press my lips to his, done with all his teasing. He grips my waist tightly as he kisses me back, my fingers tangling in his hair. It feels so right, even though I know that it's so wrong.

I nip at gently at his lower lip and he groans, pulling me even closer. I slip my hands beneath the hem of his shirt, running my fingers over the muscles in his back. He shifts on the bed, scattering the papers, straining to get closer to me. His hands squeeze my hips and I tremble slightly, pressing my lips to his.

Footsteps outside the door make us freeze. "Luke?" Tyler's voice calls tentatively. "I wanted to know where you keep your blankets. I tried knocking on Izzy's door, but I think she's asleep."

"Yeah, just hang on a sec!" Luke calls. I scramble off of his lap and he hurriedly gestures for me to hide in the closet, snatching the blanket from the foot of his bed. I pull the closet door shut behind me, cracking the door to peek through. "Here you go," Luke says, opening the door to hand the blanket to my brother.

"Thanks," Ty says, unable to help his eyes from straying into the room curiously. Frowning, he leans against the doorway, looking back at Luke. "Can I ask you something?" he says quietly. My roommate nods, an uncertain gleam in his eyes. "Is Ashton a good guy? I tried asking Izzy about him, but she shut down completely. It's like she didn't want to talk about him at all."

I can't see Luke's face from this angle, but I can see his shoulder tense up. He tries to play it cool, casually running a hand through his blond hair, already messy from my fingers. "Ashton's great," he tells my brother. "One of the nicest people you'll ever meet. Maybe Izzy just feels uncomfortable talking about her love life with you?"

Ty takes a minute before responding. I really wish he'd leave. If he catches me hiding in Luke's closet, it's all over. And the longer he stays, the more time he has to figure out that something's amiss. I'm cold without Luke's warmth pressed up against me, aching to be back in his arms.

"Maybe. Thanks, Luke."

My brother turns to go back down the hallway and Luke closes the door, letting out a breath I didn't realize he was holding. "That was way too close," he mutters as I step out of the closet. Luke looks torn between drawing me closer and telling me to leave. We almost got caught, of course he's worried.

"I'm going to go back to my room," I mumble, almost tripping over my own feet as I make my way to the door.

"You don't have to go," Luke calls after me, his blue eyes wide and vulnerable. He chews on his lip ring and I hesitate.

"I should probably change at least, give Ty a little time to settle in for the night." My hand rests on the door handle as I look back at Luke, standing in the middle of his room with a strange expression on his face. "I promise I'll be back. And if I'm not, come find me." With that, I slip out of his room to mine, relieved to hear my brother's loud snoring coming from the couch. The fact that Tyler's always been quick to fall asleep gives me the advantage.

I strip down to my undergarments, sliding on a pair of spandex and an oversized shirt I stole from Ty once upon a time when we still lived with our parents. Twisting my hair up into a messy bun, I creep back across the hallway to Luke's room. He's changed as well, gray sweatpants slung low on his hips and a faded T-shirt that fits him well on. His face lights up when he sees me, throwing the papers he was scanning into the floor.

His gaze travels up and down my body and I feel my cheeks heat up, but he doesn't make me feel insecure. "I can't believe that I finally found the perfect girl and she's someone else's," he groans as I climb up onto the bed next to him. Luke's hand slips down my body, starting at my waist before moving to my hip, my thigh, stopping at my knee. I shudder beneath his light touch and he slings my knee up and around to hook around his hip.

"I can't believe that I finally got a boyfriend and he's not even the one I want," I murmur as I reach up to cup his cheeks with my hands.

Luke makes a noise at the back of his throat that sounds a lot like a growl as he kisses me so hard that I almost forget about everything else. We slide sideways on his bed, my leg still wrapped around his hip to hold him close while my hands twist into his hair. He runs his tongue along the seam of my lips and I open for him, moaning when his tongue meets mine. His hand slips beneath the hem of my shirt to rest on the small of my back, clutching me closer.

I wrap my hand in the fabric of his shirt, pulling it over his head and tossing it onto the floor. My lips stray from his to travel down his neck to his shoulder. Luke's back arches in pleasure as I kiss his chest, admiring his muscles. I bring my mouth back up, sucking on the soft skin of his collarbone, leaving a mark behind. He whispers my name, pulling me on top of him.

"Do you want to keep going?" he asks, repeating the same question he asked me last night, his hand hovering near the bottom of my shirt.

This time I don't balk from him. "Yes," I breathe, shifting to get closer to him.

He relaxes ever so slightly, leaning up to kiss me as he lifts the hem of my shirt up and discards the fabric next to his own on the floor. My bra is nothing special, not showy or lacy like other girls. I blush, ducking my head shyly.

Luke reaches up to touch my cheek with his hand, rubbing his thumb slowly across my cheekbone. "Don't ever feel insecure," he whispers, slipping a finger behind my ear to drag me down even further to him. "You're perfect."

I lean forward on my knees to hover over top of him, my hair swinging down to frame us like a curtain. He tilts his face up to kiss me better, slipping a finger into the waistband of my shorts. I shiver, running a hand over the smooth skin just above the top of his sweatpants. He lets out a groan as I continue to tease him, yanking me down so suddenly that I lose my balance and fall hard against him.

My shorts quickly follow my shirt onto Luke's bedroom floor, our legs tangling as we strain to get closer. Fingers shaking slightly, I strip off his sweatpants and he assures me of how beautiful I am as he pulls me in for another kiss.

I know that I'm betraying Ashton by being here, in Luke's room, kissing him while our clothes are peeled away one by one. I know that it's wrong, to be with one boy but love another. But I also know that I really don't care. All I want is Luke, no matter how perfectly wrong for me he is. 

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