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Ashton moved out of the boys' apartment across town no long after Luke and I were exposed. The band's on hold due to the circumstances, but other than Ashton, everyone seems perfectly fine with the fact that Luke and I are now officially dating.

"Alright, who's turn is it to pick the movie?" Calum flops backward onto the couch with a bowl of popcorn. Michael reaches a hand over to steal some, but Cal slaps his hand, scowling as he clutches the bowl closer to his chest. Mike pouts, but Calum refuses to give him any popcorn.

"Luke's, because I picked last," Michael says as he stretches across his section of the couch.

Frowning as he thinks, Luke lays down on the ground next to me. With Calum and Michael taking up the couch in our apartment, I spread a few blankets and pillows out on the ground to make it a little bit more comfortable. "Let's watch Mean Girls," Luke says eventually, grinning as he rests his head on my stomach.

Calum groans. Speaking around a mouthful of popcorn, he whines, "But you pick that every time!"

"Well, it's my turn and I get to pick. We watched that movie with Jennifer Lawrence in it five times just because you thought she was hot and I never complained."

"That's because you thought she was hot too, you asshat," Cal says, shoving his friend playfully with his foot.

Luke wraps his arms around my waist tightly to avoid rolling over, pouting. "Izzy, Calum's attacking me."

"Don't worry, I'll protect you," I say with a smile as I put my arms around his neck. Luke grins up at me, his blue eyes soft and content.

"You guys are so cute together that it's disgusting," Michael says, reaching across Calum for the remote. "Let's just start the movie, even if we've all seen it enough to be able to quote every single line." He tosses Luke a playful glare, stealing a handful of Calum's popcorn when the other boy's not paying attention.

"Hey!" Cal exclaims. "Stop taking my food. If you want popcorn, get up and make yourself some."

"Why would I do that when I can just steal yours?" Mikey crunches extra loudly on the kernels purposefully, grinning mischievously.

"Oh, you're gonna get it," Calum mutters darkly.

Luke frowns up at his friends, snuggling further under the blanket I pulled up around him. "Stop fighting and watch the movie. I know you secretly love Regina and Pink Wednesdays."

Mike rolls his eyes toward the ceiling, raking a casual hand through his hair to hide the slight blush on his cheeks. "No, I don't. But I'm used to it because of you, you little weirdo. What twenty-year-old dude likes Mean Girls?"

"Uh, the best one," my boyfriend throws back with a quick grin. It feels so good to finally use that title and have it mean what it's supposed to. My boyfriend, Luke Hemmings, my first and only love. My parents still haven't met Luke, but they know that I have a boyfriend. Tyler was so excited to hear that I broke up with Ashton and started dating Luke. My brother and my boyfriend had a strange connection the last time Ty visited and I guess they exchanged some kind of contacts because sometimes I walk in on Luke playing video games with my brother.

Calum hits Michael with a pillow on the couch, throwing it down at Luke. "Shut up, both of you. Lindsay Lohan is speaking."

I chuckle underneath my breath, resting my head on one of the pillows I laid out on the floor. Luke turns on his side, curled up under the blanket close to me. Halfway through the movie, I absentmindedly start playing with his hair. He closes his eyes and leans into my touch, sliding a warm arm around my waist. Our feet tangle beneath the blankets as he moves closer.

It's weird to think about how far we've come. Once upon a time, he was known for having a bad reputation, hooking up with random girls and breaking their hearts the very next morning by admitting that it meant nothing. He was my broken, unstable roommate I hated. I don't know how he turned into my savior, my rock, my best friend, my protector, my boyfriend. But I wouldn't change a single thing, not for the world. I am his and he is mine, and that's really all I need. Whatever comes next, I know I can handle it as long as I have him by my side.

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