Smile & Wave

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Tomorrow had come and the day had almost gone, and yet Seonghwa still hadn't told Yuna his news about Hongjoong yet.

He'd been quite confident the previous night and excited to tell his news when he'd met up with her this morning for coffee before class.

Seonghwa had opened his mouth to speak, but funnily enough had been cut of mid sentence by Yuna who had began to babble and rant about her love for Hongjoong as usual when he had gone to tell her.

He wanted to tell her again when they spotted Hongjoong in the cafeteria and she had squealed.

He wanted to tell her in lit class when she was drilling heart shaped holes in the back of Hongjoong's head.

But he didn't.

It's not that he didn't want to tell her, he just couldn't. Maybe it was his own feelings getting in the way of her happiness or maybe it was the fact that he didn't want Yuna camped out at his house . . maybe he just wanted this one secret for his own, something Yuna's extensive stalk . . er I mean researching hadn't found.

Lit class finished and that meant that the day was over. Seonghwa and Yuna packed up their notes from today's lecture, making their descent from the top of the lecture hall to which they had sat to the exit at the bottom.

On their way down Seonghwa's eyes fell to Hongjoong whom was chatting in the isle with one of his mates.

Today he was dressed in tight denim blue jeans and a dark red jumper and cute little circle glasses perched perfectly on his nose which fell down a little every time he looked towards his notebook causing him to constantly push them back up the bridge of his nose.

Seonghwa could eat him for desert if he was on the menu, shame he wasn't.

Seonghwa shook his head shaking away his strange thoughts and focusing on the more prominent ones.

"Just because I didn't tell Yuna today, doesn't mean I can't tell her tomorrow" he thought. He'd keep this little secret to himself for now. She could wait.

A little smile crept onto his lips at the thought of knowing something that Yuna didn't know. Seonghwa had always been an exemplary friend and if Seonghwa knew something Yuna would be the first to know. A little rebelliousness was flaring up inside him, going against the unwritten rule he'd made to himself on how to be a good friend. The little devil on his shoulder telling him to keep his secret and not to spill.

Suddenly Hongjoong stopped talking with his friend, turning in Seonghwa's direction. Hongjoong noticed Seonghwa, he noticed that little smile and in return he smiled back.

"Oh what a beautiful smile" Seonghwa thought to himself his heart fluttering. He wanted to give an even bigger smile to mirror Hongjoong's and as Hongjoong started to raise his hand to wave, Seonghwa so badly wanted to wave back. But waving back and smiling meant he'd have to share his secret now. And he didn't want to.

Seonghwa snapped his head away looking at his phone, his smile disappearing in an instant, his legs striding down the stairs past other students and out the door, not even glancing back to see if Yuna was still behind him.

Hongjoong's smile dropped, his hand held up in a frozen state. "Did I do something wrong?" Hongjoong thought to himself. He brushed it off despite being confused. He noticed the girl that Seonghwa always hung out with staring at him and he gave her a nod before turning back and walking out with his own friends.

Needless to say she was completely frozen, so frozen you'd think that someone had left a human size statue in the lecture hall.

Seonghwa waited outside the doors to the lecture hall waiting for Yuna. All of a sudden Yuna burst through the crowd of students, grabbing Seonghwa's coat sleeve and dragging him to god knows where.

"Omg! Omg! Omg! Did you see that???" she squealed as she dragged him outside

"See what Yuna?" Seonghwa asked as he tried to catch his breath and calm his friend

"He smiled and waved at me!!" Yuna beamed

"Who?" Seonghwa asked

"Hongjoong! Didn't you see?"

Seonghwa gave Yuna a face as she continued.

"Just now as we were walking down the stairs! He looked at me, smiled and waved" Yuna put her hand to her forehead and clutched her chest like the damsel she is.

"oh" was all Seonghwa could say. He'd wanted to call "bullshit" because he knew that that smile and wave was for him, not Yuna. Seonghwa just stood there.

"This is such a huge development. Why aren't you more excited?" Yuna asked pouting and playfully hitting his shoulder.

Seonghwa tried to smile for Yuna, although it was an awkward smile she still took it.

Hongjoong had been looking at Seonghwa not Yuna and Seonghwa knew it. He didn't want to, but he let Yuna claim the moment as her own. Although it pissed him off.

"So maybe now you'll go talk to him?" Seonghwa said a little more bitterly than he'd wanted to

"haha. No." Yuna smiled "He smiled at me, I'll wait for him"

Seonghwa scoffed to himself, that probably wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

The pair parted ways Yuna skipping of in glee and Seonghwa grumpily kicking pebbles as he made his way to the bus stop.

a/n Ahh was this chapter okay? I feel like it was a bit of a filler chapter, I promise you the best is yet to come! Are you guys enjoying the story so far?

Lorri xx

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