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Yuna often liked to just pop in when she wanted to chat. Most of the time she was drunk when she showed up, but it was too early to be drunk today which means she wanted to talk, and Seonghwa had a pretty good idea at what she wanted to talk about.

"You need to leave. Now." Seonghwa said jumping up like a spring from his couch

"Hh-uh why?" Hongjoong said as Seonghwa suddenly pulled him up off the couch, he was surprised at Seonghwa's suddenly very erratic behaviour.

"That was Yuna, she's coming up now!"

After everything Seonghwa had said about Yuna being his stalker he didn't really want to see her either and he understood now why Seonghwa had turned into a crazy mess.

Seonghwa started pushing Hongjoong to the door to make him move faster. Determined to get Hongjoong at of his house and back into his own just a few doors down.

He'd just got to the handle when he heard a thud on the door.

"Seongie! It's me open up" Yuna yelled from the other side of the door

"Shit, shit, shit" Seonghwa said under his breath

Hongjoong looked at him not sure what to do

"Seongie?" Yuna yelled

Hongjoong gave Seonghwa a face telling him to do something, they were having some sort of silent conversation with their eyes.

"Coming!" Seonghwa replied back, even though he was legit just on the opposite side of the door

Seonghwa looked frantically at his apartment before pointing at his bedroom "hide" he whispered under his breath and Hongjoong obeyed going into Seonghwa's bedroom and closing the door behind him.

Seonghwa finally opened the door, he tried to act as natural as possible. Yuna practically jump tackled him into a hug as she came through the door.

"what took you so long???" she whined

"uhh . .I was in the bathroom" Seonghwa lied

Yuna nodded accepting his answer before striding straight into Seonghwa's apartment and sitting down on the couch. Seonghwa wondered what she would think if she knew the Hongjoong had been sitting in that exact spot only moments ago.

"Seongie I think you need to go on a diet" Yuna says giving Seonghwa a concerned face.

"huh?" Seonghwa said as he snapped his head away from his bedroom door to Yuna.

Yuna waves her hands at the two pizza boxes, garlic bread and lemonade assuming that they were all Seonghwa's and not at the fact that they could be someone else's.

"You'd look weird if you were fat" Yuna states

Seonghwa brushes the off strange comment "I was hungry, stop judging" He says, pretending it was all his .

Despite the fact that they'd been in classes together all day Yuna still had more to tell Seonghwa. She rambles on about various things but focuses her thoughts mainly about Hongjoong, unaware that he's just next door. She was still excited about what Hongjoong waving at her could mean and wanted to have girl time with Seonghwa.

Mean while Hongjoong was trying to act like a mouse. As soon as he was in Seonghwa's bedroom he paused taking in his surroundings, he wanted to find an even better place to hide on the off chance that Yuna would come through the door.

He'd eventually settled on Seonghwa's closet and he was thankful for his small size since he fit in perfectly, squishing underneath the hanging garments and inbetween the shoes on the closet floor. He hugged his knees to his chest and tried to keep his breathing steady.

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