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Seonghwa looked around at all the eyes trained on him, he felt claustrophobic. He didn't want to stay in that room any longer and he quickly scooped up his bag and made his own way out.

Hongjoong excused himself and Seonghwa from the class and the lecturer let them go, he was confused and just wanted to get on with his job.

Seonghwa walked at first, but then he ran, his feet taking him far away. When he finally thought he was alone he stopped and fell on the ground in defeat. He put a hand to his chest panting hard like he'd just ran a marathon.

How could Yuna be so cruel? She was one of the few people in this world that Seonghwa thought he could never hate, that he thought would always be safe with and could trust with his life. He'd been forgiving Yuna's behaviour for far too long though, telling himself that it was just her personality, that's just how she is . .that it was ok behaviour.

That trust that he had for Yuna was gone now, as was the part of him that kept rationalising her behaviour as ok; she literally slapped it out of him.

Hongjoong had been the one protecting him just now but Seonghwa was desperate to protect him too. Never in his life had he wished never to see someone ever again. Never in his life had he associated the word 'hate' with another person. He hated that she was possessive, he hated that she had slapped him, he hated that he had been so blind until now.

Seonghwa agreed 100% with everything that Hongjoong had said, she was Toxic, a Bitch and a Stalker.

Seonghwa could see clearly now, his eyes were wide open. His and Yuna's friendship faded into thin air, his tears now turning into a stream as emotions poured out of him.

Two arms enveloped his side and he didn't even need to look to know that it was Hongjoong, he was Seonghwa's life boat in this rough storm.

Seonghwa fell into Hongjoong's embrace, listening to his calming words, and warm soothing touch.

"I'm so sorry" Hongjoong choked, his own tears now staining Seonghwa's shoulder. "I never thought she'd do . .that"

Seonghwa held on tighter

"I'm sorry about Minho too, He saw my phone, so I told him" Hongjoong apologised

Seonghwa sat up a bit wiping his nose on his sleeve "It's ok, it wasn't his fault, he didn't know . . Thank you for defending me back there, you were brave"

"Not as brave as you. Everything happened so fast. I'm proud of how you handled everything" Hongjoong kissed the back of Seonghwa's hand. "Now where's that smile that I love so much? Because Sad Seonghwa makes me sad too" Hongjoong said that last bit in a slightly babyish voice, he put his hand under Seonghwa's chin and tilted his head upwards.

The corners of Seonghwa's lips tugged up into a smile upon seeing Hongjoong's little pout.

"Ahh there's my smile" Hongjoong said brushing away Seonghwa's tears "What do you say we skip classes today and go home?"

Seonghwa nodded and Hongjoong stood up pulling Seonghwa up with him. Their hands quickly found each others as they began walking together.

Seonghwa's heart ached. Although he definitely didn't want to see Yuna ever again it still hurt that he had lost the friend ship they had had. They'd had many good times together that weren't going to disappear just like that.

Looking at Hongjoong happily beside him now though made Seonghwa truly realise that Yuna was in the past, his future was with Hongjoong. Seonghwa would never walk alone if he had Hongjoong in his life.

Seonghwa abruptly stopped causing Hongjoong to stumble.

"Thank you Hongjoong"

"What for?"

"For everything . . for being there for me, for loving me"

Hongjoong smiled "Always" he said simply.

Seonghwa quickly pulled Hongjoong into a hug before softly kissing his lips in a warm kiss.

"So . .care to explain to me what's so peachy?" Seonghwa lightly tapped Hongjoong's butt, knowing exactly what he had meant earlier but still wanting to tease him anyway.

Hongjoong had forgotten about the text he had sent Seonghwa and his ears and cheeks went all pink with embarrassment. "Well the faster we get home, the quicker I can show you" And with that Hongjoong wriggled out of Seonghwa's grasp, poked his tongue out at Seonghwa and began to cheekily run off down the path.

Seonghwa ran after him, soon catching up and scooping him in his arms like a bride littering kisses over his cheek as he carried him back to the car.

"Well we better get home real quick!"

- FIN -

a/n Wow holy crap, I actually finished it. I've never written so much in my life haha.

I hope you're happy with this ending, I'd planned it long before I'd even started to write and the whole story had been slowly building up to this point.

If your reading both this story and 7 Minutes Woosang (The prequel) then you may have realised there is a lack of San and Jongho.


I have plans to include them more officially in this little au world I've created, but one story at a time!

I hope you stick around and remember to check out the prequel, and the sequel when I get around to writing it haha

I am forever thankful and grateful to all my readers out there. Thank you for all your love and support, I probably never would have had the motivation to complete this if it wasn't for all of you!

Stick around for this stories final Hurrah!

Love always,

Lorri xx

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