Phone Calls

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Exam week was bothersome but not too torturous. Seonghwa submitted his folios on Monday morning and sat his history exam on Tuesday. Hongjoong wasn't in either of those days so he let Seonghwa borrow his car so Seonghwa wouldn't have to worry about taking the bus.

Hongjoong had his History exam on Wednesday morning and his performance exam in the afternoon that same day. Seonghwa sent him a string of good luck messages and Hongjoong sent him a selca of himself wearing the sweater that Seonghwa had sewn the heart into which made Seonghwa uwu like a crazy person.

They both had the literacy exam Thursday and once again Hongjoong was wearing the sweater.

They'd decided on Friday night for their official post exam celebration and Seonghwa couldn't believe it when it was finally here.

"So hypothetically I should choose something nice like the jeans and a dress shirt?" Seonghwa said as he stood in front of his wardrobe, one hand on his hip the other tapping his cheek in contemplation.

Yuna's voice chimed straight back through the phone that was on loud speaker on Seonghwa's chest of draws, "Yes that shirt you have with the little watermelons on it and your nice blue jeans, not the ones with the holes though! The good pair. Also are we seriously talking in hypothetical's? Because this sounds like a date-date to me and you are giving me like zero details?"

Seonghwa ignored her question, he pulled out said shirt and pants and picked up his phone "What about shoes?" Seonghwa asked walking to his shoe rack just outside his door.

"I don't know, just wear your docs or those nice white sneakers. . and Seong! Details, I need details! Where did you meet? How old is he? Do I know him?" Yuna whined

Yuna really wanted answers but Seonghwa didn't want to tell (for obvious reasons). She was the only person he could think of for advise which is why he had called. He pitched it kind of like a date but now he was regretting his choice of words because now she was wanting more information. . .

Seonghwa stuck his hand over the mic "w-wha-t wa-s th-at? Y-yOU're bRe-king u-p on mE" Seonghwa said before promptly hanging up the phone, depriving her of the full details.

It wasn't even a date. Why didn't he just say dinner?

Seonghwa picked up the sneakers and made his way back into his room. He put on his jeans and then he then slipped on the shirt, buttoning it up all the way up. Thinking again he undid the top two buttons revealing his collar bones. Just because it wasn't actually a date didn't mean he couldn't show off.

"Why am I thinking so hard about this? It's just dinner" Seonghwa mumbled to himself

He huffed grabbing his watch from his bedside table and tightening the band around his wrist and then grabbing his phone from his bed and slipping it into his back pocket.

Seonghwa went into the bathroom checking himself out and fixing his hair. He was seriously over thinking this.

Looking at his watch he realised he had 5 minutes before he said he would come over.

He went to his closet choosing a soft cardigan before finally leaving his house and walking over to Hongjoong's.

His legs felt like jelly, he was nervous for some stupid reason he didn't understand.

Seonghwa knocked on Hongjoong's door hand shaking a little.

Hongjoong soon opened up. "Hey Seongie! You look nice" Hongjoong said as he stepped aside to let Seonghwa in

"So do you" Seonghwa replied but then he instantly felt embarrassed

Hongjoong closed the door and assessed Seonghwa's behaviour. "Are you ok? You seem. . .shaky?"

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