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After round 2 Seonghwa and Hongjoong showered together to clean up. Hongjoong gave Seonghwa some pyjama shorts and a hoodie to wear, the shorts sat quiet high on his thighs, the hoodie though fit surprisingly snug, Hongjoong put on some pyjama's himself before Seonghwa swept him up and carried him to the kitchen where he was placed on the bench.

Hongjoong winced a little, at his ass sore.

"You asked for it" Seonghwa said standing between his legs and resting his hands on his hips sending shivers through his body.

Hongjoong placed his hands on Seonghwa's shoulders "And I'll gladly let you do it again"

Seonghwa tickled his tummy and Hongjoong squirmed "When did you get so confident?" Seonghwa asked laughing, "I still remember the first time we kissed you couldn't even look at me, your eyes were closed so tightly it was like you were trying to make them disappear in your head!"

"I guess you bring out the best in me" Hongjoong smiled shyly

"God I love you"

"No it's Hongjoong I love you" Hongjoong said playfully

Seonghwa put his hands out again like he was going to tickle Hongjoong and Hongjoong wrapped his arms around his stomach in defence.

Hongjoong swung his legs as Seonghwa moved about his kitchen heart full of bliss. Hongjoong felt like he was floating as he watched Seonghwa prepare dinner for him. Seonghwa was making him pasta, a nice and simple dish. He wondered if it would be as good as his version. Hongjoong chuckled to himself; It'll be just as good, no, it would be better.

Hongjoong truly did love Seonghwa with all his heart, probably more than Seonghwa would ever know.

The first time Hongjoong had seen Seonghwa was on orientation in first year. Seonghwa's hair at that point was a dark chocolate brown and he took Hongjoong's breath away. He'd immediately tried to work out the boys name asking anybody and everybody until he finally had the name Park Seonghwa. He then tried to work out if the he was taking any electives but by the time he had found out, it was too late and the classes were all full.

A year had passed and Hongjoong rarely saw the boy with the beautiful brown hair, in fact he didn't see him at all. Seonghwa must have returned to heaven because earth was empty of his angel.

He'd made friends in his course, but they were just friends. He got on with the people in his dorm, but everything he did he always wondered whether he was bothering them. He got invited to parties and such but that wasn't really his sort of thing. He just wanted to write and play his music without interruptions.

Hongjoong got on with his life, he moved off campus and into his own apartment much to his families protest that he would be safer staying in dorm housing where there were other people he could rely on. Hongjoong liked his solidarity though.

The following year Hongjoong decided to pick a new elective 'Literacy' because he thought it might help his song writing abilities, and he was so damm thankful for making that decision.

He entered his first Lit class for the year, books in hand, scanning the room looking for any familiar faces from his course he could sit with.

That's when he spotted his angel.

Seonghwa's hair was now a white blonde, the dark chocolate brown gone, Hongjoong missed the chocolate colour, but he had to admit the blonde made him even more ethereal. He was wearing a light pink jumper his hands reduced to cute little sweater paws. His lips were a light pink and his eyes a dark brown

A girl with short brown hair began swatting Seonghwa's arm and a moment later Seonghwa was looking at Hongjoong and Hongjoong at Seonghwa officially for the first time.

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