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Lexi looked up as her sister walked in. She sighed. "I don't like it here. I wanna go somewhere else," she mumbled. She felt her sister sit down next to her.

Ella held her little sister close. "I've always looked after you and I always will. We will get out of here soon. I promise."

Lexi nodded. She felt the tears pour down her cheeks. She knew that as soon as Ella left, he would be in here again. "Please stay with me tonight."

The next morning, Lexi and Ella were called into the office by their social worker. "Your mother has been in touch. She wants you back and as we are at full capacity here, we're taking you back to her. Yes we're aware she has been in prison. But she will be having constant checks," she said.

Lexi nodded. She was terrified of staying in the care home. But even more scared of going back to her mum. Lexi wasn't the bubbly little girl that Kim remembered.

Kim and Graham were standing in home farm. Kim looked at the photo she had of her two girls. Ella was two and Lexi was a newborn.

Despite what anyone thought of Kim, she always smiled and was happy around her two girls. Lexi was always bubbly and happy along with Ella.

Graham looked at Kim. "The bedrooms are all ready for the arrival of the girls. Is there anything else you need?" He asked.

"Just the girls."

Graham knew that Kim was a devoted mum. But Jamie wouldn't give her the chance. He hoped Ella and Lexi would.

Lexi and Ella were sitting in the social workers car. Lexi was shaking. "It's gonna be okay. I promise you," Ella said as she held her sisters hand.

They eventually arrived outside the house. Lexi saw her mum and something in her flipped, she felt safe. The social worker opened the car. "Hello Ms Tate. How are you?"

"Excited to see my girls."

The social worker smiled and let them out the car. Kim was shocked to see Lexi's hair. "What's happened to your hair?"

The social worker laughed. "She was experimenting."


Kim smiled when Lexi came and stood by her. She looked at Ella. "Aren't you gonna give your mum a hug?" She asked.

"What mum?"

Kim frowned as Ella walked inside. Lexi looked at her mum. "I-I think she's just apprehensive about everything."

Lexi found Ella in the kitchen. "Ellie?"

Ella only allowed Lexi to call her Ellie. Even though her name was Ella. "I'm sorry Lexi. I just can't sit around and play happy families. She chose to con people instead of being there for us."

"I know. But at least we're out of that place now?"

Later on that night, both girls had gone to bed. Kim sat with Graham. "They're both hiding something from me. I don't know what. But I will find out."

The two of them heard movement coming from upstairs. Kim stood and went to see. She saw Ella walking along the hallway and into Lexi's bedroom.

Kim stood in the doorway and watched as both girls fell asleep. Something had happened to her two girls and she was going to find out.

No matter what.

Secrets of Abuse *Emmerdale*Where stories live. Discover now