Miles' Universe

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Miles swung through the air his breath hitching as he saw the police chase, and his webbing flew connecting to the nearest flagpole. Launching himself forward, he leapt onto the roof of semi as it slowed for the officers. Jumping off the semi he landed on top of the police car that was driving past. He could see his father within the car as it sped up and Miles lowered himself closer to the roof of the vehicle. The siren blared in his ears as he felt the buzzing of his communicator in his hidden pocket.

He was so going to be late. Shaking his head he focused on the task at hand as the cruiser picked up speed and he narrowed his eyes. A flick of his right wrist and the web soared attaching itself to the back of the criminals truck before he flew after it. Pulling himself on the bed of the truck his spider sense went off as he leapt up and off as bullets tore through the glass where he just was. His jump sent him backwards as he bent further and used his webs to yank himself onto the roof of the vehicle. The truck screeched as it tried to throw the spider off, zipping in and out of traffic.

"You're really not helping your situation." Miles stated as he tightened his grip. He needed to stop this truck or someone was going to be seriously hurt. Another alert went off in his head and he swung down on the passenger side door as bullets broke through the sunroof. Ripping the passenger side door open he grabbed the gun from the man throwing it out into the street with a web around it.

"This is your stop." Snatching the man from his seat he sent him flying into the air, webs tangling around him and attaching him to a passing street lights. He was high enough off the ground to not touch it but not low enough to get out of the webbing. Miles turned his attention to the other man in the car as he whipped his pistol around aiming at the spider. Slipping into the car he tore the gun away from the man as the driver swerved hitting a car. The truck spun the driver losing control as Miles quickly climbed out on the hood of the truck. Jumping in front of the vehicle he grabbed it by the grill trying to stop the truck as his feet dug into the street. He skidded along the ground a few feet before finally getting the truck to come to a halt. He looked up as the drivers door swung open and the man attempted to run. A quick flick and a web wrapped around the mans hand holding him to the car. The cop car came to a halt a few moments later as Officer Davis rushed out his gun drawn.

"They're all yours officer." Miles said in his fake voice. Turning he sent a strand of web up attaching it to the closest building and launching into the air. Swinging up above the traffic and sirens below he stopped on the glass digging his communicator out noticing the texts from the group chat. Huffing a breath he slid the communicator into his pocket before zipping to the next building heading in the direction of Aunt May's house.

He landed in front of the Chinese restaurant still dawning his suit as he entered the building. The patrons stared at him as he walked up to the counter digging out some money.

"Here to pick up for May." Miles said with comically terrible fake voice. The longer he did it the worse it got. The woman at the counter nodded grabbing the two bags of Chinese before offering them to Miles.

"$45.32" Miles grumbled digging out a fifty and setting it on the table. He heard a snap come from behind him and he smiled under the mask, giving a small head tilt to the woman snapping the picture.

"$4.68 will be your change." The woman said handing him back the cash which he quickly pocketed before grabbing the two bags and walking out of the restaurant. Slinging the plastic bags on his left wrist he released a web with his right and started swinging again. His phone went off in his pocket and he stopped on a street sign digging the device out of pocket.

"What's up?"

"You're late." Aunt May stated as Miles groaned placing the phone between his left shoulder and his ear before starting to swing again.

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